The Importance of Mentors

The importance of mentors is often overlooked and undervalued but the impact one has on a student can be life-changing. Volunteering your time as an alumni mentor not only benefits the undergraduate members with the critical guidance they need to succeed, it also provides the alumni volunteer with a personally rewarding and fraternally enriching experience. […]

Quarterly Recognition – October 2019

Province Archon of the Quarter Paul Ke (Purdue ’88) Paul Ke has exemplified great values of the fraternity through his time with his undergraduate chapters in the Missouri Province. After chapter visits, Brother Ke would not only have meaningful conversations with the undergraduates but communicates meaningful observations back to the Executive Office. This moves the […]

An Update from the CEO: Jonathan Frost

Brothers and friends,  It has been an exciting start to the fall season with undergraduate brothers returning to their campuses to continue in their academic studies; and showcase the value of Sigma Pi, as they commenced their local recruitment seasons. Not only have our undergraduate members been busy, but our volunteers have been busy as […]