Founders' Month of Giving: $27,814/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Registration is open, if you wish to register for the event, please visit

Gear up for our 2025 Virtual MYLC taking place January 8-9, 2025. This event is available to all members of Sigma Pi, where there will be a dedicated curriculum track for undergraduates as well as a track for our alumni and volunteers. Attendees can also expect general sessions and keynotes featuring great insights into organization operations. You can anticipate speakers from both in and out of the industry that will join us throughout the week, delivering sessions and curriculum to assist each attendee in their respective role as they continue to grow as leaders both within and outside their chapters. 

Please be sure to have access to a phone/tablet/computer with a video camera and microphone to fully experience and engage at the Virtual Mid-Year Leadership Conference. You should expect to be on camera to interact with the speakers during the sessions.

Upon completing your registration through you will receive an invitation from the Executive Office to access the virtual event platform. You will need to complete the registration steps  there in order to access the 2025 Virtual Mid-Year Leadership Conference.

Registration Instructions

  1. Visit and login.
  2. Click on the “Events” tile.
  3. Click on “2025 Virtual Mid-Year Leadership Conference.”
  4. Click “Register” and complete the form.
  5. Once all fields are complete, click “Submit Registration.”

Dates: January 8-9, 2025

Registration Dates: Closes December 31st, 2024

Location: Virtual

Cost: Complimentary Registration