Volunteering for Sigma Pi

Our undergraduate men need you now more than ever, and by becoming a volunteer you can have the power to change lives. Your knowledge and guidance are essential to ensure their success. There are many ways to get involved and different levels of commitment. 

Recall the pledge you took to Sigma Pi during your college years, and recall all you gained from the brotherhood, the lifelong friendships made, and everything you experienced outside the classroom that made you the successful man you are today. Maybe you got so much out of your undergraduate experience that you want to give back to Sigma Pi for the great times, or the lessons learned.  Your volunteer experience will help today’s undergraduates have the same great experiences you did.


Step 1 - Review Volunteer Position Descriptions

Chapter/Colony Advisor

Chapter/Colony Advisors are the on the ground liaisons of our volunteer corps. They work exclusively with one chapter throughout the year. They advise on all operations of the chapter, advising that the chapter stays within all applicable local, state, and federal laws, as well as the Sigma Pi International constitution and bylaws, the chapter’s own local constitution and bylaws, and the rules and regulations of the host institution (college or university). Chapter/Colony Advisors usually spend anywhere from 2-4 hours a month on chapter business.

As an appointed official from the Executive Office, it is expected of you to implement an Advisory Board to advise in chapter operations, planning, and assessment. Be prepared to advise the Chapter/Colony on any questions that they may have. Usually, this is an email or phone call from an undergraduate member. As your advisor, your Province Archon should be available to answer questions and address the concerns of alumni volunteers and undergraduates in your province.

As a Chapter/Colony Advisor, you will be a vital part of the efficiency and longevity of Sigma Pi chapters. Review the expectations of Chapter/Colony Advisor below.

Time Commitment

  • 2-4 hours per month, depending upon status of chapter, and the number of members of the chapter alumni advisory board.


  • Stay in close contact with undergraduate officers, monthly or as needed (in person, e-mail, phone, text).
  • Phone call/e-mail contact with Province Archon a minimum of once per month.
  • Use your @sigmapi.org e-mail account for communication with Executive Office Staff, Chapter, Province Archon, and University. 
  • Volunteer Term report on chapter submitted once per semester, and biannually for Convocation.


  • Local – Attend chapter meetings as needed, not mandatory to attend. Attend officer meetings as appropriate. 
  • Attend ALL ritual events (pledging, initiations) to oversee correct execution and proper registration/payment of fees ($75 Pledge Fee & $325 Initiate Fee).
  • Regional – Attend any workshop(s) that your PA may conduct & encourage undergraduates to attend.
  • International – It is strongly suggested that CA’s attend one (1) international event per calendar year (Mid-Year, Convocation) and should encourage undergraduate attendance at said events.


  • Organization – Work with university, alumni, and chapter to benefit Sigma Pi’s image & status.
  • Officer Transition – Conduct an officer transition workshop annually between the time new officers are elected and installed.
  • Meeting Expectations – Meet as needed with Greek Advisors, Chapter Advisory Boards, Alumni Clubs, House Corporation.
  • Alumni Advisory Board- Put together and/or manage a local Chapter Alumni Advisory Board, which should consist of at least three other alumni volunteers.


  • Uphold and reinforce the Constitution and bylaws of Sigma Pi, as well as local chapter bylaws and institution’s code of conduct.
  • Complete Volunteer Training Modules.
  • Sign and adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Chapter Advisor Best Practices

Successfully meeting the minimum expectations of a Chapter Advisor (outlined above) and being able to show improvement/success by meeting the following criteria.

Chapter Report Card (CRC)

  • Each chapter submits a properly completed and compiled Chapter Report Card each quarter. 
  • If a chapter’s CRC score is below 50%, facilitate growth of at least 10% annually.
  • If a chapter’s CRC score is between 50%-85%; facilitate at least a 5% annual growth.
  • If chapter’s CRC score is 90% or above; facilitate continued success & growth.
  • Monitor chapter’s performance through the CRC Progress Tracker and offer coaching when needed.

Grade Point Average

  • Chapter maintains at or above the all men’s average GPA on their campuses (this complies with our International Bylaws), and a minimum GPA of at least 2.5 to be in compliance with Sigma Pi bylaws.
  • If the chapter fails to meet this expectation; facilitate education to meet or exceed the all-men’s average on campus.

Membership Size

  • Chapter maintains membership level at or above the average size for men’s fraternities on their campus.
  • Chapter maintains a minimum of 25 men per academic year as required by our International Bylaws.
  • If the chapter fails to meet this expectation; facilitate growth to meet or exceed the minimum within one calendar year.

Alumni Associations/Clubs

  • Serve as a liaison between the local Association/Club and the Chapter. 

House Corporations

  • Facilitate communications between chapter and house corporation.
Province Archon

Province Archons advise on all parts of the Fraternity (colonies, chapters, alumni clubs, etc.) that are within their geographic area. They are appointed by the Executive Office and serve a two-year term during each biennium.  This role is an important one. Maintaining communication with your Chapter/Colony Advisors, undergraduate leaders, other alumni volunteers, and the Executive Office is crucial.

As an appointed official from the Executive Office you have an expectation to make sure that all of the chapters/colonies in your province are properly reporting all new members that they may have. Province Archons help train and assist Chapter/Colony Advisors in their region.  You will be expected to help the Executive Office recruit new alumni volunteers if those positions are not filled or become vacant. Be prepared to advise the chapters/colonies on any questions that they may have, usually this is an email or phone call from an undergraduate member. We recommend one visit per chapter/colony per year to introduce yourself and help out where needed.  Province Archons should also be available to answer questions and address the concerns of alumni volunteers and undergraduates in your region.

As a Province Archon, you will be a vital part of the growth and longevity of Sigma Pi Fraternity. Review the expectations of Province Archons below.

Time Commitment

  • 2-4 hours per month, depending upon the status of chapters in province and available volunteers.


  • Volunteer Term report on province submitted once per semester, biannually for Convocation. Ensure Chapter Advisors submit their reports as well.
  • Participate in at least 4 of 6 bi-monthly Province Archon conference calls.
  • Contact each chapter Sage at a minimum of once per semester (more if there is no CD in place).
  • Communicate regularly with Chapter Advisor (at least once per month, more if needs arise).
  • Communicate at least once per semester with all alumni groups (clubs, house corporations, etc.).


  • Recommend visiting each chapter at least once per year in order to do an onsite assessment and determine where they need help.


  • Plan and hold a province workshop at least once per academic year. 
  • Encourage that officer transition workshops are being held for each chapter in province (may be done individually by CD or chapter, or collectively with the entire province).


  • Expected to attend Convocation. Voluntarily can attend MYLC. Must attend one PA Summit per biennium.


  • Work with chapters, local universities, and alumni, to benefit Sigma Pi’s image and status on campus and in the community. Meet with Greek Advisors, Chapter Advisory Boards, Chapter Advisors, Alumni Associations, and House Corporations.

Alumni Associations/Clubs

  • Participate in efforts to maintain an active alumni base in the area.
  • Assist current, active alumni associations efforts in outreach and event-planning.
  • Aid an alumni group in its process to become an official alumni association.
  • Attend alumni gatherings, events, workshops, or annual meetings whenever possible.
  • Serve as a liaison between the local Association/Club and the Chapter.


  • Uphold and reinforce the Constitution and bylaws of Sigma Pi.
  • Complete Volunteer Training Modules.
  • Sign and adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Step 2 - View Open Volunteer Positions

Open Chapter Advisor Positions
Cal Poly (Eta-Delta)
Cal State Long Beach (Beta-Omicron)
Michigan Tech (Zeta-Epsilon)
Oregon State (Omega)
Orlando, FL (Iota-Kappa)
Saginaw Valley State (Theta-Beta)
Ursinus (Theta-Sigma)
Virginia (Beta-Pi)
Open Province Archon Positions

Step 3 - Apply

Apply Now!

Want to apply to be a volunteer? Visit the form located at this link and a member of our team will follow up with you.

Additional Information

Advising for a Local Chapter

Supporting local chapters through advisory roles help strengthen the undergraduate experience directly. We feel that one of the keys to a successful organization is the involvement of a core group of alumni advisors to help assist and guide the undergraduates with different aspects of chapter operations. Sigma Pi’s most successful chapter/colony have exemplary and dedicated alumni advisors.

An Advisory Board is a group of volunteers who have limited time for volunteering, but extensive knowledge and expertise that could benefit our undergraduates. Geographically, Advisory Boards are generally focused on one chapter, but regional boards may be formed if there are 2 or more chapters that could benefit from the volunteers’ expertise. The Board does not need to be comprised solely of Sigma Pi Fraternity alumni. In fact, when people from outside of the Fraternity are brought onto an Advisory Board, they often bring a great new perspective to the table.

Step 1 – Review Advisory Board Position Descriptions

Housing Advisor – Ensure the chapter structure has proper maintenance and is compliant with fire and safety codes. Work with the House Corporation (where applicable) on major renovations, repair projects, annual maintenance projects, ensure compliance with house rules and coordinate future living arrangements. For those chapters without a house, the Housing Advisor will work with alumni to establish a House Corporation to look to for potential housing options and explore housing opportunities.

Academic Advisor – Monitor overall chapter and individual academic performance and scholastic organization. They will work with individuals on academic goal-setting, time management skills, and career guidance. This person will also work with the chapter’s scholarship chairman to oversee a program to ensure the chapter meets or exceeds Sigma Pi and the college/university’s minimum GPA requirements for members, pledges, and prospective new members.

Recruitment Advisor – Assist in organizing a structured recruitment process that complies with Sigma Pi and college/university/IFC guidelines/rules. Will brainstorm with undergraduates about refining recruitment tactics and events for the future. This person will also ensure all recruitment events adhere to insurance/risk management guidelines.

Financial Advisor – Will guide the undergraduate Treasurer in financial planning, record keeping, and budgeting. When needed, will assist with individual dues collection and personal financial management. This person will also ensure that all pledge & initiate fees are transmitted directly to Sigma Pi, and are not deposited in the chapter’s own account.

Alumni Advisor – Will assist in relaying information between the alumni and undergraduates through all media/mediums. Will help undergraduates coordinate alumni events such as Homecoming, Founder’s Day, etc. This person will also work with the First Counselor of the chapter in producing and distribution of the chapter’s alumni newsletter.

Membership Education Advisor – Will aid the chapter in structuring and completing a continuing member development program. This advisor will certify the chapter’s strict adherence to the Foundation of Membership program.

Step 2 – Contact the Chapter/Colony Advisor

Visit sigmapi.org/contact-directory to view the Chapter Advisor and find out more information on how to contact them.

Submit an Event

Want to submit an event? Fill out the form at sigmapi.org/fraternity/event-marketing.

Need to Order a Manual of Ceremonies?

Its easy! Just fill out the simple form located at this link. NOTE: A deposit is required to receive The Manual of Ceremonies.

Notable Alumni