Quarterly Recognition – January 2022

In this redesigned issue of the Sigma Pi Quarterly, you may have noticed that only one volunteer and one undergraduate are represented in the Recognition section (previously two volunteers and four Sages). This change was made to better reflect the opportunity to expand those recognized, and do more focused write-ups on their accomplishments. Now, the […]

Recognizing the 2021 Donors!

  The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation and Sigma Pi University support the educational pursuits of the Sigma Pi Fraternity and its membership. Among other things, the Foundations provide for the Fraternity’s educational programs and leadership conferences; sponsor national, regional, and local leadership training events; and improve educational opportunities for deserving students through the awarding of […]

Sigma Pi Announces $500 Giving Level

The Circle of Pythagoras has been created to present an opportunity to recognize alumni who contribute $500 or more per fiscal year to the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation (SPEF) unrestricted fund. For their generous support, each new member of the Circle of Pythagoras receives recognition in the Annual Report of the SPEF, as well as […]

Quarterly Recognition – October 2021

Province Archon of the Quarter Quentin Groce (Grand Valley State ’06) Michigan Province It is our honor to recognize brother Quentin Groce, Michigan Province Archon, this quarter. Quentin has been serving as a Province Archon since 2017 and has shown tremendous leadership skills in helping his Province continue to succeed. Because of his leadership, Quentin […]

2021 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the 2021 scholarship recipients! The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation offers a variety of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies to help our members remain competitive in school and the Greek Community. This year the committee reviewed all applications and awarded a total of $42,750 in scholarships to 36 award winners. Interested in future […]

2021 Grand Chapter Award Winners

The Grand Chapter Award recognizes chapters who have achieved over 80% on their Chapter Report Card. Arkansas (Alpha-Sigma) Bridgewater State (Eta-Eta) Cal State Chico (Theta-Mu) Fitchburg State (Eta-Tau) Grand Valley State (Theta-Rho) Missouri S&T (Alpha-Iota) Monmouth (Delta-Beta) Murray State (Gamma-Upsilon) NJIT (Alpha-Mu) Norfolk, VA (Theta-Eta) Oakland (Zeta-Pi) Oregon State (Omega) Purdue (Eta) Rutgers (Gamma-Eta) Saginaw […]

In the Kitchen with ‘Top Chef’ Chris Viaud

In case you missed it, the following feature is in the Summer 2021 issue of The Emerald. To read the issue, visit here. Q&A with the Restaurateur and ‘Top Chef’ Competitor Meet Chris Viaud (Johnson & Wales ’09), owner of two restaurants (Greenleaf and Culture), ‘Top Chef’ contestant, father, and proud member of Sigma Pi. […]