Quarterly Recognition – July 2022

If you know a volunteer or undergraduate who should be recognized in the Quarterly, fill out this simple form. The volunteer recognition is not limited to Chapter Advisors and Province Archons, and the undergraduate recognition is not limited to Sages.   Volunteer of the Quarter John Ingram III (East Carolina ‘07) John Ingram currently serves […]

Chapter Spotlight: Ohio Northern

125 Years of Sigma Pi Coincides with 110 Years of Zeta Chapter This year is not only historic for the Fraternity as a whole but for one chapter, in particular: Zeta Chapter at Ohio Northern University.  During a celebration held on February 26, 2022, the Fraternity’s 125th Founders’ Day, the Chapter gathered on campus for […]

Quarterly Recognition – April 2022

In this redesigned issue of the Sigma Pi Quarterly, you may have noticed that only one volunteer and one undergraduate are represented in the Recognition section (previously two volunteers and four Sages). This change was made to better reflect the opportunity to expand those recognized, and do more focused write-ups on their accomplishments. Now, the […]

Quarterly Recognition – January 2022

In this redesigned issue of the Sigma Pi Quarterly, you may have noticed that only one volunteer and one undergraduate are represented in the Recognition section (previously two volunteers and four Sages). This change was made to better reflect the opportunity to expand those recognized, and do more focused write-ups on their accomplishments. Now, the […]

Quarterly Recognition – October 2021

Province Archon of the Quarter Quentin Groce (Grand Valley State ’06) Michigan Province It is our honor to recognize brother Quentin Groce, Michigan Province Archon, this quarter. Quentin has been serving as a Province Archon since 2017 and has shown tremendous leadership skills in helping his Province continue to succeed. Because of his leadership, Quentin […]

Quarterly Recognition – July 2021

Province Archon of the Quarter Todd Griffin (East Carolina ’90) Appalachian Province It is our honor to recognize brother Todd Griffin, Appalachian Province Archon, this quarter. Todd has been serving as a Province Archon since 2019 and has shown tremendous leadership skills in helping his Province move forward. Because of his leadership Todd has added […]

Quarterly Recognition – April 2021

Province Archon of the Quarter Kyle Koelbel (Arizona State ’06) Colorado Province We would like to recognize Colorado PA Kyle Koelbel for his outstanding work with the Colorado area chapters. Many of you may not be aware that one of the Zeta-Delta members was working at the grocery store in Boulder that was involved in […]

Quarterly Recognition – January 2021

Province Archon of the Quarter Kevin Carey (Illinois Wesleyan ’09) Illiana Province Carey serves as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair and 2020-2022 Elections Board Chairman for Sigma Pi. In December, he held a virtual officer transition workshop with his entire Province. Lastly, he was a speaker at the 2021 Mid-Year Leadership Conference, where he […]

Quarterly Recognition – October 2020

Province Archon of the Quarter Ian Itschner (Oregon State ‘91) Pacific Northwest Province  It is our honor to recognize brother Ian Itschner, Province Archon of the Pacific Northwest, this quarter. Itschner has been a long-standing volunteer within Sigma Pi dating back to 1993, where he began his service as an alumni volunteer as Chapter Director […]

Quarterly Recognition – April 2020

Province Archon of the Quarter David Magnano (Worcester Polytechnic ‘10) New England While certainly a younger alumni volunteer, David Magnano has gone above and beyond to assist all of the New England chapters. Despite the recent national pandemic outbreak, Magnano was still able to organize a province workshop in mid-February, in which all chapters were […]