Alpha-Rho Colony (Missouri State University) Approved for Chartering

The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is excited to announce that the Grand Council has approved the petition to charter from the Alpha-Rho Colony at Missouri State University. The founding fathers at Missouri State have worked tirelessly since their colonization towards the goal of chartering, and they are now prepared to move forward […]

Armstrong promoted to Director of Expansion

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International announces that Ryan Armstrong (Xi, Iowa ’12) has been promoted to Director of Expansion at the Executive Office, effective May 1, 2014. Armstrong joined the Executive Office staff in 2012 where he served our southern region as the Educational Leadership Consultant. Since July 2013, Armstrong has held the position of Senior […]

Announcement of Expansion Efforts for 2014-2015 Academic Year

The Sigma Pi Executive Office is proud to announce our slate of expansion for the 2014-2015 academic year! Fall 2014 Expansions: University of Kentucky – Epsilon-Beta (re-colonization) This expansion marks a return to the University of Kentucky, where Sigma Pi originally chartered on October 20, 1973. The chapter had a previous history that included winning a […]

Brad Vaughn named Florida Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity announces that Brad Vaughn (Beta-Nu, SIU-Carbondale, ‘87) has been appointed as Florida Province Archon.  He will work with undergraduate chapters at Eta-Epsilon (Florida State), and Iota-Kappa (Central Florida), as well as the Colony at the University of South Florida (USF), and alumni clubs and house corporations in the Province.  Brad takes over from […]

Chris Ruth named Great Plains Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International has recently named Chris Ruth (Delta-Zeta, UMSL ’08) to an alumni volunteer position. Ruth will serve as the Great Plains Province Archon.  The position had been previously vacant. “I am very excited for this opportunity to serve our great fraternity,” Ruth said.  “I look forward to working with students, alumni and […]

Justin Steele to Become Regional Director and Director of Conferences

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Justin Steele is moving from his role as Director of Chapter Services to become the 5th Regional Director and Director of Conferences for Sigma Pi Fraternity, international Executive Office. As Regional Director, Justin will be responsible for growing and developing chapters that he works with, as well as […]

Charter Revoked from Eta-Pi Chapter at Kutztown University

Effective January 10th, 2014, the Grand Council of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International revoked the charter of Eta-Pi Chapter at Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Eta-Pi Chapter had their charter revoked after Kutztown University suspended the chapter for four years as a result of the chapter being found responsible for hazing new members and violating FIPG […]