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Brad Vaughn named Florida Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity announces that Brad Vaughn (Beta-Nu, SIU-Carbondale, ‘87) has been appointed as Florida Province Archon.  He will work with undergraduate chapters at Eta-Epsilon (Florida State), and Iota-Kappa (Central Florida), as well as the Colony at the University of South Florida (USF), and alumni clubs and house corporations in the Province.  Brad takes over from Dean Houser, who is stepping down after a long history of service to Sigma Pi.

He commented, “Sigma Pi’s success in Florida, opening new colonies and chartering strong chapters, has revitalized the southeastern United States.  I look forward to working with the young men and alumni from those colonies and chapters, and all those alumni from elsewhere around the United States and Canada who now call Florida their home.  Interaction with these campus leaders at the grass roots level will assure Sigma Pi a strong place on each campus.  I look forward to this interaction and the opportunity to work with these brothers.”

Brad received his MEd. and his MS in Public Administration from Florida State University and currently works as a U.S. Probation Officer for the U.S. District Court in the Middle District of Florida. He is often involved in close negotiations with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, assisting the sitting federal judges in the decision making on each case. In his current role, Brad presents risk management and substance abuse programs to high school and community groups.

Brad has previous experience as a university administrator (fraternity advisor) and has collaborated with the NIC. In addition to his tenure as a fraternity advisor, Brad was house father at our Eta-Epsilon (FSU) chapter, has served on other Grand Chapter committees, and was instrumental in the expansion decision at the University of South Florida.

Brad also currently serves as one of two Sigma Pi NIC delegates in the role of the Grand Sage’s ambassador, to cultivate relationships with the other delegates and NIC staff, and to represent Sigma Pi, its philosophy, its policies, its interests in all NIC related interactions.