Founders' Month of Giving: $27,950/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Alpha-Rho Colony (Missouri State University) Approved for Chartering

missouristateThe Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is excited to announce that the Grand Council has approved the petition to charter from the Alpha-Rho Colony at Missouri State University. The founding fathers at Missouri State have worked tirelessly since their colonization towards the goal of chartering, and they are now prepared to move forward as a chapter of Sigma Pi!

The Alpha-Rho Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International will be installed and the founding fathers will be initiated on Saturday, April 5th, 2014.

  • All initiated undergraduate and alumni members of Sigma Pi are encouraged to attend the initiation.
  • All initiated brothers and new members of Sigma Pi, Missouri State faculty and staff – as well as parents and friends of the members of the Alpha-Rho Chapter – are encourages to attend the banquet.

Please RSVP on or before Monday, March 31st.  You can do so by CLICKING HERE or by going to the page and clicking on the Missouri State logo. This link also includes details regarding the initiation and banquet, including time, date, location, RSVP information, and directions.

Any further questions should be directed to Zach Spillner, Director of Expansion, at

Congratulations to our newest brothers of the soon-to-be Alpha-Rho Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity!

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