Sigma Pi names Chairmen of Nominations Committee and Volunteer Search Committee

Fr. Michael Hobson (Gamma-Iota, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ‘85) appointed as chairman of the Nominations Committee Fr. Michael Hobson holds a BS Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Divinity in Theology. He is currently the Vicar Forane for the Archdiocese of Boston, in which he assists the Regional Bishop in overseeing 15 churches. In this […]

Jon Gallez named Northern California Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce that Jon Gallez (Delta-Omega, SIU-Edwardsville ’09) has been named to an alumni volunteer position. Gallez will serve as the Northern California Province Archon. The position had previously been vacant. He will work with undergraduate chapters at Iota (Cal-Berkeley), Beta-Eta (San Jose State), Theta-Mu (Chico State), Zeta-Eta (Santa Clara), […]

Three Consultants named for Sigma Pi Expansion Department

The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce three men have been hired to fill the positions of Expansion Consultants. Andrew Locke (Beta-Delta, Kansas ’14), Connor Schwalm (Theta-Eta, Old Dominion ’14), and Zachary Kishpaugh (Iota-Pi, Oklahoma State ’14) will start their new roles in June. Expansion Consultants are in charge of […]

Dr. Brian Kurisky Receives Award of Distinction from NIC

The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International would like to congratulate Dr. Brian Kurisky (Theta-Theta, Ferris State ’07) on being recognized with the Alumni Award of Distinction by the North-American Interfraternity Conference.  The Alumni Award of Distinction recognizes the fraternity man who has given of his time, talents, and service to the betterment of […]

Delta-Alpha Colony (Central Michigan University) Approved for Chartering

The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is excited to announce that the Grand Council has approved the petition to charter from the Delta-Alpha Colony at Central Michigan University. The founding fathers at Delta-Alpha have exceeded all expectations and after only 12 months as a colony they are now prepared to move forward as […]

In Memoriam: HGS James L. Hills

Brother James L. Hills (AC, Maryland ’54) was fondly referred to as one of the “grand old men of Sigma Pi.” Jim served as the second Executive Secretary of Sigma Pi Fraternity from July, 1963 to August, 1971. In the summer of 1963, the fraternity moved its headquarters from Elizabeth, New Jersey, to Shadowwood Memorial Headquarters, near Vincennes, Indiana. Judge […]

Experience The Game

Xi chapter brother helps underprivileged attend pro sporting events. Experience the Game is an organization that started from an excursion that I went on with my father. When I was in seventh grade, we went out west to attend seven baseball games in one week—all in different stadiums. Something that we both recall very clearly to this day is the […]

The Founders’ Award

The Founders’ Award is the highest and most prestigious honor which the Fraternity bestows upon an individual brother. The selection is based upon outstanding contributions or exceptional service in business, a profession, education, or humanitarianism, including service to Sigma Pi or the fraternity system as a whole. Through the years, the Fraternity has developed programs for the […]

100,000th Initiate of Sigma Pi

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce a landmark event for the Fraternity. Ethan Hernandez (BT, Valparaiso ’18) is the 100,000th initiate of Sigma Pi. Hernandez was born and raised in Austin, Texas. He currently attends Valparaiso University as a Physics major, with future plans to attend the United States Military Academy at West […]

Iota-Rho Colony (Keene State College) Approved for Chartering

The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is excited to announce that the Grand Council has approved the petition to charter from the Keene State Colony at Keene State College. The founding fathers at Keene State have worked tirelessly since colonization towards the goal of chartering, and are now prepared to move forward as […]