Founders' Month of Giving: $27,950/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

College Town: WPI police officer honored for service to Sigma Pi Fraternity

Editors Note: The section below originally ran in an article on and was written by Bonnie Russell. Worcester Polytechnic Institute campus police Officer Robert Vandal never expected to be a fraternity advisor, let alone an award-winning one. He has faithfully served as the advisor to Gamma Iota, WPI’s chapter of Sigma Pi, for almost a […]

Three California Province Archons Appointed with Province Realignment

LEBANON, TN – Sigma Pi Fraternity is proud to announce the realignment and appointment of three California Province Archons.  Brian Devot (Cal State Long Beach ‘00) as the Southern California Province Archon, Scott Tucker (Cal Poly ’10) as the Central California Province Archon, and Nick Lorenzini (Oregon ‘12) will serve as the Northern California Province […]

Wise Words to Remember During Formal Recruitment Season

By:  Joe Palazzolo, Delta-Beta While reading a PDF version of Sigma Pi Fraternity‘s The Emerald magazine from October 1919 (Volume 6, Issue 3), I came across the brief article below, written by Harold K. Bowen. As a clarifying aside, Brother Bowen is listed as being from “Delta-Xi,” though that is not possible using the chapter […]

Grand Sage Travels: A Trip Around the Country

Over the last academic year, Grand Sage Steve Lawler (Iowa ’82) traveled across the country visiting chapters, meeting brothers, attending events, and so much more. According to GS Lawler, “it was important to show the chapters that I cared about their individual needs and opinions. I wanted to visit chapters in several regions to have […]

Founders’ Award Recipient: PGS John Williams

Past Grand Sage John Williams (Widener ‘85) is set to receive the Founders’ Award, the highest honor within Sigma Pi, at the 54th Biennial Convocation held in Niagara Falls, NY. The Founders’ Award is strictly reserved for the most exemplary members of our organization for their contributions within their profession, their community, the Fraternity, or […]

A Message From The Grand Sage: The Biennium in Review

This biennium will go down in history as a transformational period where many long-term organizational changes took place for the betterment of Sigma Pi. Here are some the important accomplishments and strategic changes implemented by the current Grand Council and our International staff. The most important and strategic change this biennium was hiring Jonathan Frost […]

Heimbigner Hired as Assistant Communications Director, Media

LEBANON, TN – The Executive Office is thrilled to announce that Kyle Heimbigner (Washington State ‘12) has been hired to serve as the Assistant Communications Director, Media. He will officially begin serving in the position on July 12, 2018. As the Assistant Communications Director, Media, Heimbigner will develop and create visual storytelling across multiple platforms, […]

CEO Update: Staff Changes and Campus Environments

I want to begin by thanking all of our members, parents, and friends for your support and patience as we have been undergoing internal transformations at the Executive Office. It has been a challenging year and in conjunction to this transition, we have been working with chapters that have seen campus wide suspensions, and in […]