Pakistani Student at Murray State Makes Most of Short Stay

EDITOR’S NOTE: The selection below originally ran in an article on the The Murray State News publication and was written by Nick Erickson. To read the article in its entirety, please click here. There is an abundance of foreign exchange students who travel from their home countries to attend Murray State. However, not many of […]

Michael Mann (Murray State ’17) Awarded Order of Omega Scholarship

Michael Mann (Murray State ’17), an undergraduate member of Gamma-Upsilon Chapter at Murray State University, has been awarded the Daisy M. Wood Memorial Scholarship from Order of Omega. The Order of Omega is an undergraduate society recognizing fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-fraternity activities. “It was an […]

New England Province Archon Appointment

LEBANON, TN – Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce the appointment of Matthew Quimby (Bridgewater State ’04) has been named as New England Province Archon. Province Archons oversee all parts of the Fraternity (colonies, chapters, alumni clubs, etc.) that are within their geographic area. We would also like to thank Kevin Pons (Johnson […]

Missouri Province Archon Appointment

LEBANON, TN – Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce the appointment of Paul Ke (Purdue ’93) has been named as Missouri Province Archon. Province Archons oversee all parts of the Fraternity (colonies, chapters, alumni clubs, etc.) that are within their geographic area. We would also like to thank Kevin Mumma (UMSL ’04) for […]

Wyatt Promoted to Director of Business Operations

LEBANON, TN – The Executive Office of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce that Jen Wyatt has been promoted to Director of Business Operations, effective immediately. Wyatt previously served as the A/R & Operations Specialist for the Executive Office. The Business Operations department is committed to providing accurate, education-focused, policy-adhered, efficient, and cost-effective services […]

Michael D. Gardner (Vincennes ’08) named Northern Indiana Province Archon

LEBANON, TN – Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce the appointment of Michael D. Gardner (Vincennes ’08) has been named as Northern Indiana Province Archon. Gardner will work with the undergraduate chapters at Purdue (Eta) and Valparaiso (Beta-Tau), as well as alumni clubs and house corporations in the province. Gardner received his Associate’s Degree […]

Eastern North Carolina Alumni Club Approved by Grand Council

LEBANON, TN – Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce that the Petition to Charter submitted by the Eastern North Carolina Alumni Club has been approved by a vote of the Grand Council. The Eastern North Carolina Alumni Club becomes the newest chartered alumni group of Sigma Pi. The undergraduate and alumni membership now […]