The movie Zombieland is a comedic action-packed movie starring the awkward Jesse Eisenburg, crazy Woody Harrelson, the gorgeous Emma Stone, and the loveable and almost classic Bill Murray. It’s a movie about a ragtag bunch that must survive when hell literally appears on Earth. From the beginning, we know there is going to be a […]
Category Archives: Lifestyle
10 Steps to Professional Dress
Professional dress is always a topic that seems to make most guys nervous. Men are hardly ever going to ask for help when it comes to clothing and will instead continue wearing what they have or purchasing pieces that do not necessary work on them or fit with their career. Hopefully in the tips below […]
France Celebrates Fraternity
One of our fundamental civil rights took a blow as Paris, France suffered a week of terrorist bloodshed that left 17 dead. On January 11, the world watched dignitary leaders, and the citizens of Paris unite and celebrate the French motto. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. The Motto’s History Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, is the national motto of France […]
A New Year: A Time to Reflect, Review, and Progress
Welcome to 2015 fellow brothers and friends! I hope the holiday season was filled with family time and fellow loved ones and it gave you time to relax and prepare for the next semester. With a New Year always comes a time for us to set new goals and to think about the direction in […]
Spotify Premium Student Discount
Spotify discounted the price for a premium account from $9.99 to $4.99 for U.S. college students earlier this year. Spotify, a leading music streaming service, offers high fidelity streaming and a robust 20-million song catalog across a range of platforms with conventional social networking integrations. The discount will likely provide a solid spike to Spotify’s current userbase, which […]