EDITORS NOTE: The excerpt below originally ran in an article on the Centre Daily News online publication and was written by Britney Milazzo. To read the article in its entirety, please click here.
Before Wilford Beisel died, he drafted a will that would help him give back to his church and country.
He died in 2014.
But on Saturday morning, some of what he aimed to do after his passing came to fruition.
Penn State’s Sigma Pi Fraternity held the Wilford Beisel Memorial Flagpole Dedication in honor and memory of World War II Theta Chapter veterans.
Affixed to the base of the flagpole was a bronze plaque memorializing 93 fraternity brothers of the Theta Chapter who served in the armed forces during the war.
The ceremony was held in the front lawn area of the fraternity house, 303 Fraternity Row.