Founders' Month of Giving: $26,633/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

A Message From The Grand Sage: The Biennium in Review

This biennium will go down in history as a transformational period where many long-term organizational changes took place for the betterment of Sigma Pi.

Here are some the important accomplishments and strategic changes implemented by the current Grand Council and our International staff.

  • The most important and strategic change this biennium was hiring Jonathan Frost (UMSL ’02) as our new CEO/Executive Director. Jonathan has brought a professional and passionate management style to the position. He has reviewed our previous business model and has initiated the necessary changes to make Sigma Pi a leader in the fraternal world.
  • We have improved our financial position. The Fraternity is now operating in the black after making changes in our revenue and expense cash flows. Sigma Pi is back on solid footing financially.
  • We entered into a Staff Sharing Agreement with the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. This has allowed us to be more efficient with our shared staff. The agreement has brought both organizations together under one umbrella with the benefits of cost savings and a more coordinated effort for servicing our chapters and alumni.
  • Our Communication Department has been expanded in size and scope. The Emerald is a greatly improved publication. We are also covering chapters and alumni in more depth with online profiles of achievement within our social media outlets.
  • The Mid-Year Leadership Conference was expanded an extra day to allow for more detailed training and networking amongst our members.
  • Sigma Pi now has a seat on the North American Interfraternity Conference Governing Board. This has raised our profile with our peer fraternities and has given Sigma Pi more influence in the policies that affect all the fraternities nationwide.
  • A concerted effort was made to enhance our Grand Council minutes. The Grand Council desired to become as transparent as possible to our members. This Grand Council has operated in the daylight and are happy to answer questions posed by our brothers.
  • The current Grand Council has also provided improved visibility by making countless chapter visits and speaking at workshops and events to spread the good news surrounding Sigma Pi.
  • The Executive Office staffing model has been restructured which will provide better chapter and alumni services. Our new staff will be better trained and ready to take us to the next level.

I would like to thank the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation for their support and cooperation. I would also like to thank all the undergraduates and alumni who believe in our mission and supported us on this journey of improvements in the organization.

Finally, I would like to thank all my fellow Grand Council members for their efforts and passion for Sigma Pi during this biennium.