2018 Convocation

Award Winners
- Standards of Excellence
Beyer/Fryburg Standards of Excellence
Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’sGold Chapters
Epsilon-Rho Chapter, Drury University
Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’s UniversitySilver Chapters
Gamma-Iota Chapter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Zeta-Eta Chapter, Santa Clara University
Eta-Delta Chapter, California Polytechnic State University
Eta-Eta Chapter, Bridgewater State University
Theta-Gamma Chapter, University of West Alabama
Iota-Iota Chapter, Montclair State University
Iota-Lambda Chapter, Arkansas Tech University
Iota-Upsilon Chapter, Stockton UniversityBronze Chapters
Zeta Chapter, Ohio Northern University
Alpha-Iota Chapter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Alpha-Mu Chapter, New Jersey Institute Of Technology
Alpha-Nu Chapter, Wake Forest University
Beta-Tau Chapter, Valparaiso University
Zeta-Epsilon Chapter, Michigan Technological University
Eta-Tau Chapter, Fitchburg State University
Theta-Beta Chapter, Saginaw Valley State University
Theta-Phi Chapter, Pennsylvania College of Technology- Grand Chapter Awards
Grand Sage’s Cup
Tier 1: Omega Chapter, Oregon State University
Tier 2: Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’s University
Tier 3: Theta-Rho Chapter, Grand Valley State University
Tier 4: Eta-Eta Chapter, Bridgewater State UniversityGrand Council Award
Gamma Chapter, Ohio State University
Omega Chapter, Oregon State University
Alpha-Mu Chapter, New Jersey Institute Of Technology
Gamma-Iota Chapter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Epsilon-Rho Chapter, Drury University
Eta-Epsilon Chapter, Florida State University
Eta-Eta Chapter, Bridgewater State University
Theta-Gamma Chapter, University of West Alabama
Theta-Rho Chapter, Grand Valley State University
Iota-Lambda Chapter, Arkansas Tech University
Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’s University
Iota-Upsilon Chapter, Stockton UniversityGrand Chapter Award
Omega Chapter, Oregon State University
Alpha-Iota Chapter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Alpha-Mu Chapter, New Jersey Institute Of Technology
Alpha-Nu Chapter, Wake Forest University
Alpha-Rho Chapter, Missouri State University
Gamma-Iota Chapter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Gamma-Gamma Chapter, University of Central Missouri
Gamma-Omega Chapter, Wayne State University
Delta-Alpha Chapter, Central Michigan University
Delta-Beta Chapter, Monmouth University
Delta-Iota Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Epsilon-Rho Chapter, Drury University
Zeta-Beta Chapter, Santa Clara University
Zeta-Epsilon Chapter, Michigan Technological University
Eta-Delta Chapter, California Polytechnic State University
Eta-Eta Chapter, Bridgewater State University
Theta-Beta Chapter, Saginaw Valley State University
Theta-Gamma Chapter, University of West Alabama
Theta-Rho Chapter, Grand Valley State University
Theta-Sigma Chapter, Ursinus College
Theta-Phi Chapter, Pennsylvania College of Technology
Iota-Iota Chapter, Montclair State University
Iota-Lambda Chapter, Arkansas Tech University
Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’s University
Iota-Upsilon Chapter, Stockton University- ACE Project Awards
ACE Awards (Top 4 Projects)
Rho Chapter, North Carolina State University
Alpha-Iota Chapter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Eta-Eta Chapter, Bridgewater State University
Theta-Rho Chapter, Grand Valley State University- Alumni Awards
Young Alumni Volunteer
Daniel Ward (Arkansas State ’09)
Igor Mihatov (NJIT ’09)
Louis DeGeorge (TCNJ ’04)
Nicholas Amster (St. John’s ’15)Young Professional Achievement Award
Adam Dibble (Ferris State ’03)- All Other Awards
Louis Foley – Undergraduate Newsletter
Eta-Epsilon Chapter, Florida State University – “Sigma Pi TRIBEunal”Louis Foley – Alumni Newsletter
Iota-Tau Alumni Club – “The Hoot”Membership Increase Award
Epsilon-Chi Chapter, San Diego State University
Epsilon-Alpha Chapter, Kennesaw State University
Zeta-Omicron Chapter, Lawrence Technological University
Theta-Lambda Chapter, Radford University
Theta-Psi Chapter, University of Southern IndianaMembership Recruitment Award
Beta Chapter, Indiana University
Zeta-Delta Chapter, University of Colorado Boulder
Eta-Epsilon Chapter, Florida State University
Alpha-Delta Chapter, Auburn University
Epsilon-Eta Chapter, Illinois State University
Epsilon-Nu Chapter, California State University, Fullerton
Beta-Mu Chapter, University of Mississippi
Zeta-Mu Chapter, Michigan State University
Theta-Omicron Chapter, University of Alabama
Eta-Sigma Chapter, Colorado State UniversityMerino/Tash 100 Man Chapter
Beta Chapter, Indiana University
Alpha-Delta Chapter, Auburn University
Alpha-Omicron Chapter, University of California-Santa Barbara
Beta-Mu Chapter, University of Mississippi
Zeta-Eta Chapter, Santa Clara University
Iota-Eta Chapter, University of California-Santa CruzHarold Jacobsen – Outstanding Individual Undergraduate On Campus
Joshua Borjas (Cal State Fullerton ’17)
John McGowan (Bridgewater State ’15)
Orie Hemm (Central Missouri ’15)Michael P. Carey – Outstanding Individual Undergraduate In Chapter
John McGowan (Bridgewater State ’15)
John Thomas (Ursinus ’15)Cletus A. Broecker – Outstanding Individual Undergraduate-Community Service
Benji Creel (Mississippi ’16)
John Venturini (St. John’s ’16)Most Outstanding Alumni Club
Orange County Alumni AssociationDr. Robert L. Burns Outstanding Faculty Advisor
Robert Vandal – (Worcester Polytechnic ’13)Outstanding Campus Professional
Emily Perlow – Worcester PolytechnicLyle Smith – Chapter Director Award
Derick Rheaume (Bridgewater State ’99) – Chapter Director for Iota-Tau (St. John’s)Curtis Shake – Province Archon Award
Brent Smith (Indiana of Pennsylvania ’01) – Keystone ProvinceWilliam J. Cutbirth – Chapter Outstanding Community Service
Theta-Beta Chapter, Saginaw Valley State UniversityWilliam Cutbirth – Chapter Outstanding Philanthropy
Iota-Tau Chapter, St. John’s UniversityByron R. Lewis Academic Award
Mu Chapter, Cornell UniversityMost-Improved Chapter
Beta-Kappa Chapter, Arizona State UniversityStaff Member of the Year
Emily NortonPast Grand Sage (Gavel Plaque & Medallion)
Steve Lawler (Iowa ’82)