Founders' Month of Giving: $27,950/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Recognizing the Men of Sigma Pi

Throughout the history of Sigma Pi Fraternity, there have been great men who have represented Sigma Pi and themselves in an outstanding manner in their professional or personal lives. Often, though not always, we have found ways to recognize their achievements. After just a few minutes spent in the Sigma Pi Museum at the Mitchell House, you will quickly begin to identify a number of our extraordinary alumni. Our history includes men such as judges, astronauts and business elites.

For the first time, we will specifically seek to identify and recognize our younger alumni. The creation of the “Young Professional Achievement Award” and the “Young Alumni Volunteer Award” have provided Sigma Pi with the opportunity to praise the hard work and accomplishment of our newest generation of alumni. There are many men deserving of such praise and we want to consider them for recognition. Therefore, we are now accepting nominations for both of these new awards at

Each Biennium, we a take time to recognize another group of outstanding men the Founders’ Award. This is the highest and most prestigious honor Sigma Pi can bestow upon an individual brother. As such, it is important that we consider every possible qualified candidate. By nominating men of distinction, you will provide the Awards Committee with the best candidates for such an honor. Please help make sure no one is left out of consideration.

Here is where we need your help. By visiting, you can nominate qualified candidates for each of these awards. Please feel free to nominate as many candidates as you deem necessary. Keep an eye out for future editions of The Emerald as we recognize our outstanding brothers.

Awards and recognition will be presented at the 53rd Biennial Convocation in Las Vegas, NV. Final decisions will be made by the Grand Council in early 2016. Nominations for the Founders Award will close on October 1st and nominations for the Young Professional Achievement Award and the Young Alumni Volunteer Award will close on December 31st.