Our Fraternity is the premier men’s social and personal development fraternity in North America. Sigma Pi men embark on a quest to enrich their lives the moment they take oath to join our ranks, and first clasp on the golden greek cross over their heart. The brotherhood that four ambitious men dreamed of in 1897 is a reality that has influenced the lives of over 100,000 men. The founding of this organization is worth celebrating.
Over the last few weeks, your Executive Office has been developing network opportunities for you to celebrate our Fraternity’s 118th Founders’ Day. Whether you choose to wear your badge, attend a local Founders’ Day event in your area, or register your own event, all details can be found on sigmapi.org/foundersday.
Wearing your badge is the most simple way to celebrate this Founders’ Day. Sport it with your pride.
Additionally, we encourage all brothers to join and share the Founders’ Day Event on Facebook.
On February 26, take a picture of you in your badge and share it on social media with #SP118.
Look out for an email from your Executive Office about events happening in your area, or visit sigmapi.org/foundersday.
If the event fits your schedule, contact the event organizer to RSVP – just for safe measure. Attending will reconnect you with your local chapter, or other brothers in your area.
Keep an eye out for additional announcements! *Hint Hint*
Undergraduate chapters and Alumni Clubs/Associations are encouraged to register their event.
Registration is easy, and should take less than 5 minutes. Within 48 hours, your event will be highlighted on sigmapi.org/foundersday.
Up to one week before your event, we will email Sigma Pi brothers in your area encouraging them to rsvp and attend. Event organizers will receive print materials for an undisclosed upcoming launch to distribute at your event.
Undergraduate chapters: Reminder! To receive full points in the Standards of Excellence, it is encouraged to host alumni events annually.