Founders' Month of Giving: $27,814/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

A Letter from the Chairman

The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation provides scholarships, grants, and financial support for educational programming to members of the fraternity through the generous support of our Membership.  When asked why they give, brothers have responded that they desire to pay back for the benefits they have received in their Fraternal experience, strive to develop undergraduates and their pursuit of knowledge or life skills, or because they want to memorialize members of their chapter.  But one response is universal; all give because they believe in Sigma Pi.  As a donor today, you can be an active partner in developing the Sigma Pi leaders of tomorrow by creating the financial support they need to continue their educational pursuits and reach their goals.

It is no secret that we find ourselves in the midst of one of the country’s most challenging periods since the Great Recession of 2007-2009.  But despite the economic headwinds we have faced in 2020, the Educational Foundation has remained steadfast in our determination to grow the contributed support, grow investment income, control expenses, and strengthen the balance sheet.  In FY 2019-2020, your generosity in contributed support reached $206,698 from 851 donors (of which 255 were first-time donors), grants & scholarships reached $62,655, and the Foundation reduced operating expenses by $26,170 ($42,434 below budget).  So far in FY 2020-2021, grant & scholarship disbursements have already reached $45,500.

Later this quarter, the Board of Trustees will publish an updated strategic plan and FY 2020-2021 goals targeting new development campaigns, improved communications, digitized disbursement processes, and more.  We are also pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative within the Educational Foundation, called the Chapter Housing Fund (CHF), which is now available to complement the permissible collateralization features in the Chapter Educational Fund (CEF).  In short, the CHF is designed to receive tax-deductible donations for the support of our chapter’s housing needs through grants for the educational percentage of the purchase, construction, or renovation of the chapter house, the furnishing and equipping of the designated educational areas, and the educational percentage of ongoing operating expenses.  For more information, please contact the Executive Office or any member of the Board of Trustees.

We encourage you to reflect on how Sigma Pi has enhanced your life and consider a tax-deductible gift to the Educational Foundation.  On behalf of the Board of Trustees and all the men of Sigma Pi, who have benefited from your generous contributions, we thank you for your continued commitment and ongoing support of the Educational Foundation.  Because we all believe in Sigma Pi….



Jeff Cline (North Carolina State ‘85)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees