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Sigma Pi names Chairmen of Nominations Committee and Volunteer Search Committee

Fr. Michael Hobson (Gamma-Iota, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ‘85) appointed as chairman of the Nominations Committee

Fr. Michael Hobson holds a BS Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Divinity in Theology. He is currently the Vicar Forane for the Archdiocese of Boston, in which he assists the Regional Bishop in overseeing 15 churches. In this role, he is involved with overall daily operations of multiple churches, especially regarding situations of employee conflict. Each church may have a total staff of between five and 20 employees, which requires labor relations and employment skills, as well as a working knowledge of labor law and conflict resolution. He also deals with the potential of multiple thousands of family situations and conflicts within church practice.

He has served as the Colony/Chapter Director of Iota-Rho Chapter at Keene State College chapter for three years, and served as a member of the Executive Director Search Committee last biennium. Hobson has served several terms as an officer of Psi Theta Nu Alumni Club. Mike has been a fixture at Convocation, Sigma Pi University and Mid-Year Leadership Conference since 2010. He will begin building his committee shortly.

William “Wes” Seaton (Zeta-Alpha, West Chester, ’92) appointed as chairman of the Volunteer Search Committee

Wes Seaton obtained a double major in Anthropology and Sociology in 1992, and has been involved with workforce development and programming for more than 18 years. In his current role, Wes works for the Center for Career and Business Development for the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS).  He serves as a vital link in connecting employers with hiring needs to skilled and talented workers with disabilities who are actively seeking employment.  Wes currently markets business services to local businesses in the metro-Richmond area that focuses on: staffing and recruitment, workplace accommodations, and financial tax incentives.

Wes is a graduate of the Commonwealth of Virginia Skills for Leadership Program, Chesterfield County Total Quality Improvement Program, and Chesterfield County Institute of Leadership.   He has also served as Workforce Development Chairman for three consecutive years and was the Awards Chairman for the Society of Human Resource Management.

With his extensive experience in the human resources and career matching field, Wes was selected as chairman of the Volunteer Search Committee. He is charged with identifying potential candidates for the Grand Council who may not be aware of the opportunity or desire more information about serving.  He is not contacting candidates who have ‘self-selected’ to apply for a position, and instead will focus his efforts on other alumni via alumni clubs and professional social networking.

He will be joined on this assignment by Brenan German (Eta-Upsilon, UC-Irvine, ’93), VP of Bright Talent Resources.