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NIC announces new staff and volunteer support positions

The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) is pleased to announce it will be restoring its historical affiliation with Interfraternity Councils (IFCs).  Given its unique position in the industry, the NIC has a responsibility and an opportunity to utilize its collective knowledge and experience to reconnect with IFCs in order to assist in their development of optimal operations and effective educational opportunities.  Our efforts to raise each local fraternity community will collectively raise the global fraternity industry and achieve our collective NIC ENDS.


At any host institution where two or more NIC Member Fraternities have established undergraduate chapters, an Interfraternity Council shall be established which will be chartered by the NIC.  An IFC will be composed of all undergraduate chapters of NIC Member Fraternities present at a host institution.  The NIC will provide increased staff, resources, and services to assist Interfraternity Councils in instituting optimal operations, officer competencies, and best practices.

NIC Staff & Volunteer Support

The NIC Staff will be responsible for the successful implementation and execution of restoring the affiliation of IFCs with the NIC.  

  • Jameson Root, Director of Student Affairs, will manage day-to-day operations and provide strategic leadership for the initiative.
  • Wade Lowhorn, Director of University Relations & Public Policy, will supervise IFC advocacy efforts, NIC Standards and policy compliance, and monitor and respond to industry trends.
  • Will Foran, Vice President of Education, will lead the development of innovative IFC educational resources and program curriculum.

The NIC will be employing additional professional staff, through the newly created Coordinator of IFC Services position, to provide ongoing education, training, and serve as a point of contact for IFC officers and host institution.  At least one Coordinator of IFC Services will be hired for the 2012-13 school year, with the hope of adding 1-2 additional Coordinators for the 2013-14 academic year.  This position announcement can be found here.

The NIC will also solicit and train volunteers to serve local IFCs in a designated region, called Regional Advocates.  These volunteers will assist NIC staff by providing local expertise and resources to IFCs and host institutions.  Regional Advocates will be recruited and selected from experienced alumni of NIC Member Fraternities, such as former headquarters staff, board members, and campus-based professionals. This volunteer announcement can be found here.

Additional Information

We are excited to restore this partnership with Interfraternity Councils and we will be communicating more information about the initiative throughout the summer.  If you have any questions, please visit the FAQs page or contact Jameson Root, Director of Student Affairs, at the NIC office 317-872-1112 or