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Cornell Workshop, Founders’ Day Weekend 2012

On Saturday, February 25th, seven chapters met at Cornell University to participate in the third annual Northeast Sigma Pi workshop. Presenters included Jim Wisherd (Grand Herald), Michael Ayalon (Province Archon), and the sages from each chapter. The major topics included where Networking 101, Policy Governance, Brotherhood Sustains Us, Improving Chapter Scholarship. The chapter sages also presented their own PowerPoint sessions to discuss what their chapter does best in an effort to share best practices between the active members.
“One of the most rewarding parts of being a volunteer is watching your groups develop and become the best they can be over a period of a few years,” said Michael Ayalon, Province Archon for Northeast Pennsylvania and Long Island. “With more brothers attending and participating in the workshop each consecutive year, we’ve seen an increase in the size of the pledge classes, more dollars raised for various philanthropies, and higher chapter GPA than in years past for the province. Much of the appreciation goes to special guest speakers like Jim Wisherd for making the trip from Georgia, as well as the entire Mu Chapter at Cornell for hosting the event.”