Founders' Month of Giving: $27,950/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Announcement of Expansion at University of San Diego

Its official, Sigma Pi has been invited to return to the University of San Diego!  Our expansion is set to take place next semester starting in January of 2014.

Our staff is in the beginning stages of organizing and strategizing our expansion however there is some basic information that I can pass along to all brothers at this time. 

The expansion is set to begin in January of 2014. At that time two expansion consultants will be arriving in San Diego to begin the recruitment of founding fathers at USD. 

After an initial recruitment period of 4-5 weeks, colonization will take place on Sunday February 23rd. More details regarding colonization will be available in January (including time, location and how to RSVP), however, now is the time to put the date on your calendars. All members of Sigma Pi (alumni, undergraduate initiates and undergraduate new members) will be invited to attend colonization. 

Our staff will begin electing officers and training the colony after the initial recruitment and colonization period.

If you are interested in recommending a man for membership at USD please go to, click on the USD logo and complete the interest form located there. You can also recommend a man via our Facebook page. We are looking for men who are currently students at USD (regardless of age or major). 

We are very excited for this opportunity and look forward to a successful colonization and chartering at the University of San Diego! Again we will have more details regarding colonization in January. 

Questions should be directed to: Zach SpillnerDirector of Expansion