Volunteer involvement with Sigma Pi chapters is the key to helping a chapter improve.
Working as a volunteer not only provides our undergraduate members with the critical guidance they need to succeed, it also provides the alumni volunteer with a personally rewarding and fraternally enriching experience.
Below are just a handful of the benefits of volunteering for Sigma Pi Fraternity:
- Create long-lasting relationships with undergraduate and alumni
- Uphold and enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International.
- Opportunity to advise on efficient colony/chapter operations
- Support Sigma Pi Fraternity’s immediate growth and long-term sustainability
- Help undergraduate men develop a lifelong passion for Sigma Pi
- Opportunities to engage with fellow volunteers at the local, regional, and international levels
- Discounted registration rates for attendance at international conferences
Chapter Directors work exclusively with one chapter throughout the year. They oversee all operations of the chapter, ensuring that the chapter is staying within all applicable local, state, and federal laws, as well as Sigma Pi’s International constitution and bylaws, the chapter’s own local constitution and bylaws, and the rules and regulations of the host institution (college or university). Chapter/Colony Directors usually spend anywhere from 2-4 hours a week on chapter business.
Province Archons oversee all parts of the Fraternity (colonies, chapters, alumni clubs, etc.) that are within their geographic area. They are appointed by the Grand Sage and serve a two-year term during each biennium. This role is an important one. Maintaining communication with your Chapter/Colony Directors, undergraduate leaders, other alumni volunteers, and the Executive Office is crucial.
As an appointed official from the Grand Council, you have a responsibility to make sure that all of the chapters/colonies in your province are properly reporting all new members that they may have. As a Province Archon, you will receive copies of all correspondence between the Executive Office and all chapters/colonies and alumni in your region. Province Archons help train and assist Chapter/Colony Directors in their region. You will be crucial in helping the Executive Office and the Grand Council recruit new alumni volunteers if those positions are not filled or become vacant. Be prepared to assist the chapters/colonies with any questions that they may have. Usually, this is an email or phone call from an undergraduate member. We strongly suggest one visit per chapter/colony per semester to introduce yourself and help out where needed. Province Archons should also be available to answer questions and address concerns of the alumni volunteers and undergraduates in your region.
To learn more information and to apply to be a volunteer please visit https://sigmapi.org/volunteer/