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20 Random Questions with… PGS Larry Rovira (Epsilon-Nu, CSU-Fullerton ’85)

Editors Note: In our series “20 Random Questions with…”, we take a fun and interesting look at some of our most prominent alumni.  From men who contribute financially to the success of the organization, to others who volunteer their time to help our members across North America, we take this opportunity to spotlight the leaders of Sigma Pi.  

PGS Larry Rovira (Epsilon-Nu, CSU-Fullerton ’85) is a prime example of what it means to be a lifelong member of Sigma Pi. As an undergrad, Rovira served as Second Counselor of his Chapter and IFC Vice President.  Since becoming an alumni, he has served in many different roles for both his Chapter, as well as on a international scale.  Rovira served 10 years on the Grand Council, including his time as Grand Sage from 2006 to 2008.  Since his term as Past Grand Sage ended in 2010, he has served on the Educational Foundation board as a Trustee, Vice Chairman of Development, and currently as the Vice Chairman of Administration.

  • What Chapter are you from? Epsilon-Nu, Cal State-Fullerton. One of the greatest chapters EVER!
  • What is your favorite song in the last five years? “Fireside Song.” It gives me chills when we sing it in a large group, like at Convocation.
  • What is your go-to karaoke song? Anyone who knows me understands that in the history of the Rovira family, not one of us could carry a tune. And because of that lack of talent, I never participate in karaoke.
  • Apple or Android? Apple
  • Deep dish or New York style pizza? NY style, baby! The best!!
  • Favorite sports team? Cal State-Fullerton and anyone playing Long Beach State!
  • Favorite quote? There is a Japanese saying that reads, “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.” I find this to be so true in life.
  • Do you have a hidden talent?  I am an outstanding frisbee player and played on the ulitmate frisbee club in college.
  • How do you feel about socks with sandals? Only senior citizens can pull that off, and a few guys I know in the Mid-West, but other than that….that’s a big no-no.
  • Last book you read? “When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi” by David Maraniss
  • Favorite television show? Survivor
  • Favorite movie? Gone with the Wind and Animal House. Two diverse and opposite end of the spectrum movies, but are so contemporary.
  • Biggest pet peeve? People who aren’t open-minded, who are self-righteous, and bigots.
  • Favorite city to visit and why? New Orleans. My family has lived there since pre-Civil War times and I still have two brothers who live there. We always seem to have a ball during our visits, let alone see something unique and different each time.
  • Favorite holiday and why? The Christmas holidays. Theresa and I take the family skiing to Mammoth Mountain, we celebrate with friends, and our daughters have their annual cookie exchange with friends.
  • Do you use Social Media? The only Social Media I am engaged in is LinkedIn.
  • Who’s your doppelgänger? George Clooney, so I am told. But I just don’t see it. (Editors Note: We Don’t either)
  • Can you do any good impressions? I’ve been told that I don’t make good impressions, especially first ones….(haha), but similar to my lack of singing talent, I am also lacking the skill as an impersonator.
  • If you could meet any famous person dead or alive, who would it be? I would like to have met my great-grandfather, on my mom’s side. He was a deep sea diver and explorer in early New Orleans. His father was a captain in the Confederate army and piloted a paddleboat on the Missississippi River. I heard he was a very good story teller.
  • Favorite memory as a Sigma Pi volunteer or alumnus? There are so many positive memories that rush into my head (intramural victories, road trips, convocations, dinner parties) but one that solidifies what Sigma Pi is to me is the support my family received when I almost lost Theresa and our son, Jacob, during pregnancy. Undergraduates and alumni alike stood by us, visited us, and made sure we were well taken care of is surely one of the reasons why I will always love our great fraternity. I am not sure how others can survive such trauma without such a strong force supporting them, but Sigma Pi seems to be there when we need them the most. This is why I believe the fraternal movement is so great, and this is why I believe in Sigma Pi.