Life Planning & Coaching

Emerald Archive

What the New CARES Act Means for your Charitable Giving

The following article was written by David Presson (Murray State ’77) who is Senior Vice President & Director of Investments at First...

Welcome to Sigma Pi Lifeline

Sigma Pi Fraternity is pleased to announce the launch of Sigma Pi Lifeline, an online mental health resource center.  ULifeline provides college...

Alumni & Communications At Work

It’s been just over  a month since I stepped into The Mitchell House to begin my new role as your Alumni Services...

How Can Zombieland Change Your Life?

The movie Zombieland is a comedic action-packed movie starring the awkward Jesse Eisenburg, crazy Woody Harrelson, the gorgeous Emma Stone, and the...

A New Year: A Time to Reflect, Review, and Progress

Welcome to 2015 fellow brothers and friends! I hope the holiday season was filled with family time and fellow loved ones and...

The Sigma Pi Membership Experience

Imagine if Sigma Pi was known as THE fraternity to join if you want the best job in your field after college....
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