Welcome to 2015 fellow brothers and friends! I hope the holiday season was filled with family time and fellow loved ones and it gave you time to relax and prepare for the next semester. With a New Year always comes a time for us to set new goals and to think about the direction in which we as a chapter, a brother, or an soon-to-be alumnus are going to better ourselves. In order to do that we need to follow some key steps to set ourselves up for success.
To look in the mirror and reflect on what occurred the previous semester can be a good or bad thing, however it’s important to remember the past as it reminds us that those events were real and all carry some weight with them. Remember when you had big brother night and you shared personal goals with each other? Do you remember when that other fraternity beat you in the finals of a flag football? How about the time when the new member class sang ‘You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’ during homecoming week? Cherish these memories and help others to be reminded that these moments will help define what your fraternity experiences will be for a lifetime.
In order for us to truly be honest with ourselves we must also review what has occurred and think about what we could’ve done to create a better experience for all. What the social event we held the best representation of our risk management polices? Did our new member education process truly each new members to learn how to become scholars or simply know the history of the organization? Was the ‘alumni event’ promoted enough and was it for them or really just for the chapter’s sake? These are questions you not only need to ask the chapter but outside perspectives. They may be able to give you tips to improve or excel at the events. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard and by doing so the chapter will truly achieve success.
Sigma Pi’s motto is ‘Progress, man’s distinctive mark alone, Not Gods and not the beasts, God is, they are, Man partly is and wholly hopes to be.’ 2015 is a new year to make some progress for yourself and your chapter. What will yours be?