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Candidates Announced for the 2022-2024 Biennium Grand Council

Candidates for 2022-2024 Grand Council 

The call for candidates to serve as the Grand Sage or Director-at-Large for the Grand Council was announced on November 15th, with applications due on January 15th. Below are the names of individuals who have announced their candidacy and were approved by the Elections Board per the Constitution and Bylaws of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International.

Grand Sage Candidates

Brian Kurisky (Ferris State ‘07)

Kent Varney (Kentucky ‘97)

Directors at Large Candidates

Daniel Daugherty (Morehead State ‘88)

Brian Devot (Cal State Long Beach ’95)

Christian Miele (Towson ‘00)

Ryan Post (Valparaiso ‘09)

Larry Rovira (Cal State Fullerton ‘80)

Justin Todoroff (Cal State Long Beach ’01)

To read more about each candidate, you can login to MySigmaPi and access their profiles (visit the Resource Center under Grand Chapter Resources > 2022-2024 Biennium > Elections Board). There will be an opportunity to meet and hear from the candidates pre-Convocation in a virtual town hall. 

Below is information regarding procedures and policies of the elections process. Please refer to the Bylaws of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International, Section 6 for more information.

  • For election to Grand Sage, a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary. 
    • The candidate not elected will be permitted to run as a Director-at-Large.
  • For election as Director-at-Large, each delegate shall cast a Ranked-Choice Vote for the Candidates. The votes shall be calculated using the Single Transferable Vote method. 
  • Voting will be electronic this year, and we have identified and been trained on eBallot to utilize pre/during Convocation. More information to learn about this will occur prior to Convocation.
  • All members of the Grand Council shall be elected by ballot and no vote shall be counted for a name not reported by the Elections Board.
  • The outgoing Grand Sage automatically becomes the Past Grand Sage and a member of the Grand Council for the ensuing biennium.

Please click here to access the candidate profiles on MySigmaPi. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Dr. Kevin Carey, Elections Board Chairman, at