The Scholarship Application is open!


Today’s college students are facing an ever-increasing strain on educational funding with increased tuition.  This leads students to rely more on student loans, increased workloads and stress on their studies.  This also causes many students to overlook Greek life as a positive impact on their lives and their overall college experience.

The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation offers a variety of scholarship for undergraduate and graduate studies to help our members remain competitive in school and the Greek Community.  We encourage alumni to consider endowment scholarships for their own chapters or to contribute to a fund that is already in place.

General Scholarships

Byron R. Lewis Academic Scholarship - So/Jr

Awarded annually to an initiated sophomore or junior at the time of application (earned 30-60 semester credit hours or equivalent) member of an active Chapter who has demostrated superior academic achievement. Secondary considerations include chapter, campus and civic activities and leadership.

Cyrus E. Palmer Leadership Scholarship - So/Jr

Awarded annually to an initiated sophomore or junior at the time of application (earned 30-60 semester credit hours or equivalent) member of an active Chapter who has demonstrated outstanding campus or civic leadership. Secondary considerations include academics, chapter leadership, campus involvement and community service.

Broecker-Barnard Memorial Scholarship for Philanthropy/Community Service - So/Jr

Awarded annually to an initiated sophomore or junior at the time of application (earned 30-60 semester credit hours or equivalent) member of an active Chapter who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to philanthropy and/or community service. Secondary considerations include academics, chapter leadership and campus involvement.

Kody B. Cranney Memorial

Awarded to an active full-time member in good standing of the University of Colorado (Zeta-Delta) Sigma Pi Chapter. Candidate will exemplify the ideals of the fraternity through leadership and academics and service through campus and community involvement.

Laverne Marie Rovira Legacy Scholarship

Applicants must be (1) Members or legacy family members of Epsilon-Nu (Cal State Fullerton) or Zeta-Phi (Southeastern Louisiana) chapters of Sigma Pi Fraternity, (2) enrolled full-time in an Accredited institution of higher-learning, (3) have a 2.50 or higher cumulative GPA, and (4) exemplify good citizenship and leadership qualities. In the event no applicants meet stipulation (1) above, the Board of Trustees may extend awards to qualified applicants from Southern California or the State of Louisiana, or as otherwise agreed with the Donor.

Colonel Walter H. Lemmond Scholarship

Awarded to an exemplary member of Sigma Pi from Rabun County, Georgia attending Emory University (Chapter currently closed) or from a Sigma Pi Chapter in Georgia or Alabama.

Livingston/Sisler Veterans Scholarship

Awarded biennially to an active initiated undergraduate member of the Fraternity who has demonstrated superior academic achievement. Secondary considerations include chapter, campus and civic activities and leadership. Applicants must be a current member of the National Guard or Reserves or an honorably discharged former active-duty member of any branch of the US or Canadian Armed Forces.

Timothy B. Haney Scholarship

Awarded to a Penn State (Theta) Sigma Pi member with financial need taken into consideration.

PGS John J. Merino Scholarship

Awarded to a Cal State Fullerton (Epsilon-Nu) Sigma Pi full-time student. Based on academics, need and community involvement.

George Cromwell Blower and David George Cromwell Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to deserving Sigma Pi members.

PGS Jack C. Fields Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to an active full-time Sigma Pi member in good standing with the Grand Chapter. Member (s) will exemplify the ideals of the fraternity through leadership, academics and service through campus and community involvement.

Dr. James F. Elrod for Beta Chapter Scholarship

Awarded to an initiated full-time undergraduate Indiana University (Beta) Sigma Pi seeking any accredited academic degree at IU. Based on academics, worthiness and financial need.

Christopher E. Tredennick Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to an active full-time member in good standing of the Eastern Illinois (Beta-Gamma) Sigma Pi Chapter. Candidate will exemplify the ideals of the fraternity through leadership, academics and service through campus and community involvement.

Clifford Wilke Scholarship

Awarded to an outstanding Sigma Pi undergraduate from or attending college in the State of MO. Undergrad or graduate student demonstrating service and leadership to their chapter.

Genevieve “Mom” Slevin Scholarship

Awarded to an Eastern Illinois (Beta-Gamma) Sigma Pi undergrad in good standing residing in the Chapter House. Based on academics, financial need and Fraternity ideals.

Tony Siress for Zeta-Eta Chapter Scholarship

Awarded annually to Santa Clara (Zeta-Eta) Sigma Pi members.

George M. Patterson Memorial Scholarship

Open to Vincennes University students with first consideration going to Sigma Pi’s Alpha Chapter at Vincennes University. Based on academics.

Dr. Marshall Booker & Robert Netter Scholarship

Awarded to a Christopher Newport (Epsilon-Pi) active full-time Sigma Pi undergrad. Based on academics, community and campus involvement and service to the Chapter. Post Secondary Epsilon-Pi members in good standing with the Grand Chapter with prior leadership experience and academics taken into consideration. (Epsilon-Pi Chapter is currently closed).

Kappa Scholarship

Awarded to an active member of Temple University (Kappa) Sigma Pi. Based on financial need and academics 3.0 GPA or higher. Most have been a member of the Chapter for one year prior to awarding scholarship. (Kappa Chapter is currently closed).

Keystone/Rees Scholarship - Alpha-Delta (Auburn)

Awarded annually to Sigma Pi active members of Alpha-Delta Chapter at Auburn.

The following conditions are applicable for scholarships from this endowment:

  1. Must have completed application form,
  2. must be an Alpha-Delta member in good standing and house bills current,
  3. must be an active contributor of service to the Fraternity, and;
  4. must maintain an overall GPA of 2.3 and be in good standing with Auburn University.  Scholarship money from this endowment may be used only for payment of tuition, books, fees and similar items.

Graduate Scholarships

Judge Curtis G. Shake (Law Student)

Awarded annually to an initiated member of the Fraternity who has demonstrated superior academic achievement and currently engaged in the study of law. Secondary considerations include chapter, campus, and civic activities and leadership. Applicants must (1) have successfully completed a bachelor degree from an accredited institution at the time of application and (2) be in their first or second year of study at an ABA-accredited law school.

Fryburg Fellowship - EO Former Staff

Fellowship is awarded annually to up to three (3) initiated member of the Fraternity and current members of the Executive Office staff who are currently engaged in graduate, professional or advanced degree studies. Primary consideration is given to superior academic achievement and outstanding service as an advisor to one or more undergraduate chapters of Sigma Pi. Secondary considerations include chapter, campus and civic activities and leadership. Applicants must (1) have successfully completed a bachelor degree from an accredited institution at the time of application, (2) be currently enrolled in a graduate, professional or advance degree program at an accredited institution of higher learning at the time of award and (3) serve on the Executive Office staff at the time of application and award.

Lothar I. Iversen Fellowship - Alumni Volunteer or Graduate/Residential Assistant

Fellowship is awarded annually to up to three (3) initiated member of the Fraternity who are an active Chapter Director, Province Archon, Graduate Advisor or Resident Advisor and engaged in graduate, professional or advanced degree studies. Primary consideration is given to superior academic achievement and outstanding service as an alumni volunteer of Sigma Pi Fraternity. Secondary considerations include chapter, campus and civic activities and leadership. Applicants must (1) have successfully completed a bachelor degree from an accredited institution at the time of application, (2) be currently enrolled in a graduate, professional or advance degree program at an accredited institution of higher learning at the time of award and (3) serve in one of the above mentioned volunteer roles at the time of application and award.
