“We’re changing the world with technology.” – Bill Gates
In 2015, that statement couldn’t be any more true. With the constant advancement of technology and the internet, communication has simplified. Today, The Emerald Online embraces the technological revolution, and enters 2015.
With the implementation and development of theemerald.org, nearly every Sigma Pi member in the world now has the ability to get the most current up-to-date information about our brotherhood – on any device! You can still expect two print editions of The Emerald to be delivered to your door (as long as your contact information is updated on mySigmaPi.com). You can also expect all of the same content (plus some new features and columns) to be provided on the online platform. This addition to The Emerald lineup is about the challenging economics of print publishing and distribution, while remaining more connected to our subscribers. You may have seen this model set forth by leading lifestyle magazines such as The Rolling Stone and Sports Illustrated.
What will you find on The Emerald Online?
- Stories. That is the idea behind social networking giants, and what makes individuals feel more connected. Do you have a story or announcement you would like to share? Let us know!
- Education. Executive office staff, dedicated alumni volunteers, undergraduates, and friends of Sigma Pi have already begun producing articles on a variety of topics. Topics include Career Planning, Financial Planning, Leadership Development, Life Planning & Coaching, and Mens Health.
- New Featured Stories. Share “5 Minutes With” alumni volunteers and fraternal leaders to discuss their opinions, and answer your questions. Our “Road Warriors” travel to advance men’s Quest for Excellence. Read the notes and lessons of our traveling staff.
- Social Integration. Find a story you like? Want to leave a comment? Share it on social media with ease, or utilize our “Social Graph” to see how many brothers have shared the story. Additionally, we’ve enabled comments on articles enabling our readers to deliver feedback, ideas, and opinions to every story.
- Most Recent & Most Liked. Stay up to date by filtering our most recent stories, and find out which stories are liked the most right on our homepage.
- An ever expanding platform. There are still so many opportunities for The Emerald Online – and that is what we are most excited about. Have ideas on what to improve next? Send your suggestions to emerald@sigmapi.org.
Get more out of The Emerald Online by adding it to your smartphone or tablet by saving it to your home screen! Additionally, keep an eye out for a redesigned version of The Emerald magazine this summer!
The Communications Team