Founders' Month of Giving: $27,814/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Recognizing the 2021 Donors!


The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation and Sigma Pi University support the educational pursuits of the Sigma Pi Fraternity and its membership. Among other things, the Foundations provide for the Fraternity’s educational programs and leadership conferences; sponsor national, regional, and local leadership training events; and improve educational opportunities for deserving students through the awarding of grants and scholarships. Through these efforts, the Foundations seek to secure the future of Sigma Pi and the place of its members as the leaders of tomorrow.

Lifetime Gifts

Sigma Pi donors share a belief in the power of Fraternity through educational initiatives, as well as our belief in the mission to inspire, promote, and support the lifelong development of our brothers. Below, we celebrate those who have continued their giving within or reached new lifetime donor levels.

Emerald Society ($5,000+)

David Bailey (Morehead State ‘79)
Raymond Cassetta (Drexel ‘58)
Scott Chastain (Florida ‘89)
Joe Conway (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
Kurt Dahlberg (Buffalo ‘89)
Alfred Feldman (UCLA ‘58)
Robert Ferralasco (Arkansas State ‘48)
Steve Fronapfel (NJIT ‘67)
Jonathan Frost (UMSL ‘99)
Berkley Godehn (North Carolina State ‘66)
Paul Gorman (Seton Hall ‘93)
Mike Grant (Oakland ‘94)
Ellis Hefner (Missouri State ‘69)
Paul Hetrick (Murray State ‘88)
Shane Ireland (North Carolina State ‘91)
Taylor Lapsys (California-Irvine ‘04)
Richard Marcello (Franklin & Marshall ‘68)
James Mahoney (Cal State Long Beach ‘61)*
Bob Mason (Parsons ‘64)
Michael McDonald (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
Frank Newell (Cal State Long Beach ‘69)
Steven Ochmanski (Rowan ‘90)
Randall Ottinger (Cornell ‘77)
Rick Owens (UCLA ‘61)
Ed Panconi (Loyola Marymount ‘82)
Scott Porter (Purdue ‘82)
Eric Praser (North Carolina State ‘85)
James Pugh (Arkansas ‘66)
Ralph Rea (UCLA ‘51)
Peter Roknich (Northern Illinois ‘59)
Stephen Ruger (Drexel ‘69)
Steven Schechter (UCLA ‘86)
Raymond Schwenk (Indiana State ‘71)
Ron Smiley (Kansas ‘58)
Rick Tibbetts (Rhode Island ‘63)
Steven Tripmacker (Iowa State ‘66)
Edgar Voress (Wake Forest ‘72)
Les Webb (Ohio State ‘60)
John Weber (Ohio Northern ‘62)
Larry Wright (Iowa ‘60)
Richard Young (Rhode Island ‘83)

Shadowwood Society ($10,000+)

Brian Akerson (Missouri ‘67)
Alan Boehme (Cal State Long Beach ‘78)
Mason Cozart (Southern Arkansas ‘77)
Daniel Daugherty (Morehead State ‘88)
John Dinka (Detroit-Mercy ‘79)
Ian Itschner (Oregon State ‘91)
Rande Johnsen (Cal State Long Beach ‘77)
Robert Kelso (Florida ‘86)
Princeton Kim (UCLA ‘94)
GFoC Brian Kurisky (Ferris State ‘07)
Niles Leisti (NJIT ‘01)
John Marshall (Ohio State ‘67)
Todd Miller (UT-Martin ‘83)
Ed Mora (Cal State Long Beach ‘90)
David Newberg (Cal State Long Beach ‘78)
Larry Niederkohr (Ohio Northern ‘70)
PGH Rob Pankau (Oakland ‘02)
David Presson (Murray State ‘77)
Paul Singer (Maryland ‘69)


Old Vincennes Society ($25,000+)

Jeffrey Cline (North Carolina State ‘85)
James Espy (Beloit ‘67)
David Finkel (UCLA ‘84)
Paul Hansen (Valparaiso ‘77)
Richard Kiernan (North Carolina State ‘89)
PGS Steve Lawler (Iowa ‘78)
PGS Ed Levesque (Bridgewater State ‘89)
William Monroe (North Carolina State ‘71)
GS Joseph Palazzolo (Monmouth ‘00)
David Reale (Monmouth ‘92)
Pat Reimer (Morehead State ‘94)
PGS Larry Rovira (Cal State Fullerton ‘80)
Andrew Salas (Cal State Long Beach ‘74)
Richard Soja (Wake Forest ‘83)
GTC Justin Todoroff (Cal State Long Beach ‘01)
PGS James Verplanck (Mississippi ‘59)


Tau Phi Delta Society ($50,000+)

Nelson Farris (Cal State Long Beach ‘63)
Ricky Marshall (Arkansas State ‘88)


General Gifts

We’re proud to recognize the remaining individuals who contributed during the 2021 calendar year.

Alhasan Alani (California-Irvine ‘15)
Rashed Aldubayyan (Saginaw Valley State ‘13)
Scott Allen (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Leslie Alverson (Murray State ‘08)
Henry Amann (Illinois ‘59)
Nick Amster (St. John’s ‘15)
William Anderson (Saginaw Valley State ‘08)
Stuart Andrews (Eastern Illinois ‘90)
Ryan Armstrong (Iowa ‘09)
Thomas Armstrong (Indiana ‘85)
Steven Arnold (CSU-Northridge ‘71)
Mark Aspey (Northern Arizona ‘68)
Zaid Astarabadi (UC Berkeley ‘66)
Kevin Atkins (Murray State ‘83)
Brandon Baber (Saginaw Valley State ‘12)
Hans Bagge (UCLA ‘60)
Bill Bailey (Murray State ‘68)
Jessica Bailey (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Paul Baker (Wake Forest ‘87)
Randy Bakke (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Bob Balwinski (Detroit-Mercy ‘65)
Willis Barley (Rochester Tech ‘61)
Charles Bauer (Wake Forest ‘87)
Scott Bauer (Cal State Fullerton ‘89)
Donald Beck (Temple ‘94)
Rainer Beck (UCLA ‘60)
John Belchee (Wake Forest ‘66)
Ben Benjamin (UCLA ‘52)
Noah Bennett (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Matthew Berg (Saginaw Valley State ‘17)
John Berger (Missouri S&T ‘65)
Brian Berman (Rutgers ‘12)
Ryan Bertsch (Santa Clara, CA ‘97)
Andrew Beuschel (Monmouth ‘07)
John Beville (Auburn ‘66)
Ken Beyer (Worcester Polytechnic ‘79)*
Wes Bissett (Saginaw Valley State ‘16)
Alexander Blair (Temple ‘67)
Tristan Blake (Missouri S&T ‘14)
Dick Bobb (Ohio State ‘57)
Ridge Boedeker (Ferris State ‘07)
Marshall Booker (Christopher Newport ‘82)
Jeffrey Borkey (Akron ‘82)
Joseph Borkey (Akron ‘82)
Terry Bradbury (Vincennes ‘67)
Troy Bramblett (Morehead State ‘93)
Peter Brau (Santa Clara, CA ‘90)
Walter Braun (NJIT ‘60)
Michael Brazier (SIU-Carbondale ‘59)
William Brenner (St. Lawrence ‘61)
Joseph Brogden (Auburn ‘60)
Casey Brown (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Kimberlee Brown (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Mladen Buntich (Loyola Marymount ‘85)
Tony Burks (Middle Tennessee ‘10)
Robert Burns (Wisconsin-LaCrosse ‘71)
Gary Burton (Illinois ‘60)
Charles Bushar (Temple ‘54)
Chuck Butler (San Jose State ‘67)
Chris Butler (Mississippi ‘12)
Garry Butterfield (San Diego State ‘54)
Mark Cade (Morehead State ‘88)
Jacob Camilleri (Saginaw Valley State ‘14)
Darrin Camilleri (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Doreen Camilleri (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Frank Camilleri (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Robert Campbell (California-Irvine ‘03)
Stephen Caplan (San Jose State ’62)
Kevin Carey (Illinois Wesleyan ‘09)
Mitch Carr (Fairmont State ‘73)
Anthony Carroll (Iowa State ‘03)
Casey Carroll (Middle Tennessee ‘08)
Chris Carter (Middle Tennessee ‘08)
Alisa Caruso (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Daniel Castanho (CSU-Sacramento ‘91)
Chris Castillo (Cal State Fullerton ‘91)
Derek Chapman (Colorado State ‘17)
Rob Charlton (Oakland ‘87)
Oscar Chavez (San Jose State ‘10)
Richard Ciekurs (NJIT ‘76)
Bob Cifelli (NJIT ‘56)
Craig Clark (Iowa ‘68)
Steele Clay (Norfolk, VA ‘15)
Henry Coan (Parsons ‘66)
Eric Cole (Ferris State ‘07)
Danny Collis (Monmouth ‘16)
Steven Colvell (Monmouth ‘00)
James Connolly (Oregon ‘07)
Thomas Conway (Loyola Marymount ‘82)
John Cookinham (Rhode Island ‘62)
Roland Cooper (Eastern Kentucky ‘78)
Matt Corn (Middle Tennessee ‘08)*
Melina Corona (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Daniel Cox (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Brad Craig (Middle Tennessee ‘08)
Chester Crone (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Clarence Crowder (Arkansas State ‘59)
Kevin Cryblskey (Wake Forest ‘90)
Gary Cueno (Northern Illinois ‘77)
Michael Culwell (Cal State Fullerton ‘88)
Chris Curran (Monmouth ‘18)
James Curtis (San Diego State ‘65)
William Cusick (Embry-Riddle (AZ) ‘83)
Patrick Cutlip (Eastern Kentucky ‘13)
Richard Dages (Ohio Northern ‘89)
Chadwick Dale (Eastern Kentucky ‘09)
Colin Daly (Grand Valley State ‘06)
Peter DeBiase (Monmouth ‘91)
Kevin Dedicatoria (Saginaw Valley State ‘17)
Chris Deetz (Ohio State ‘57)
Charles Deffenbaugh (Illinois Wesleyan ‘75)
Zac DeFrancesca (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Thomas DeMaagd (Western Michigan ‘68)
John Dennehy (Seton Hall ‘76)
Ryan Dennis (Penn State ‘84)
Ronald Dent (Arkansas State ‘65)
Adam Dibble (Ferris State ‘03)
Vince Difini (NJIT ‘57)
Robert Dillon (Drury ‘93)
Christina Dimitry (Friend of Sigma Pi)
James DiVita (Michigan State ‘00)
Pete Donlon (Buffalo ‘84)
John Draheim (Valparaiso ‘61)
Matthew Dudek (Iowa ‘06)
Larry Dugan (Oregon State ‘53)
Benjamin Dunn (Eastern Kentucky ‘78)
David Durkee (Missouri State ‘55)
Elliott Dyer (Colorado State ‘17)
Jacob Dykstra (Western Illinois ‘90)
Bernie Ebert (Missouri S&T ‘62)
Darrell Edquist (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
William Eisiminger (Saginaw Valley State ‘10)
Charlie Eldridge (Morehead State ‘86)
Angel Elenes (Cal State Fullerton ‘19)
Ryan Elisei (Oakland ‘01)
Phillip Ellingson (Iowa State ‘59)
Joseph Elliott (Missouri S&T ‘68)
Elijah Escalera (Texas ‘12)
John Estock (Penn State ‘68)
Gregory Evans (Rochester Tech ‘67)
Andrew Fagan (Bridgewater State ‘16)
Kevin Fahey (Wake Forest ‘02)
David Feldberg (California-Irvine ‘95)
Gary Felkel (Cal State Long Beach ‘74)
Brad Ferguson (Vincennes ‘07)
Francisco Fernandez (West Chester ‘85)
Richard Fitzer (Drexel ‘69)
Anthony Fiumani (Cal State Long Beach ‘05)
Jeremy Flemig (Alabama ‘07)
Jeff Fleming (Iowa State ‘92)
Bob Fontenot (LSU ‘65)
Jerry Foulds (Central Missouri ‘63)
Larry Franklin (Purdue ‘73)
Mike Frayne (Missouri ‘81)
Eric Frobish (Illinois ‘90)
Scott Gakenheimer (Virginia ‘83)
Sebastian Galelli (Cal State Fullerton ‘19)
Allen Gardner (William & Mary ‘53)
Peter Georgantopoulos (California-Irvine ‘95)
Edd Ghent (Illinois ‘59)
David Giannotti (Northern Arizona ‘77)
Ryan Gilbert (Cal Poly ‘10)
Megan Gilhooley (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Doug Glantz (UCLA ‘86)
Andrew Glassman (Cal State Fullerton ‘84)
Eric Glaub (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Griffin Gmelich (San Diego ‘85)
Edward Gogin (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
Douglas Gold (Santa Clara, CA ‘88)
Adam Golomb (Johnson & Wales ‘96)
Joe Goodner (Eastern Illinois ‘61)
Matthew Gorton (Oklahoma State ‘13)
Leonard Grassley (Embry-Riddle (FL) ‘84)
Mike Greene (Murray State ‘20)
Derek Gregg (Auburn ‘89)
Bruno Grenci (FDU-Metropolitan ‘86)
Eric Griffin (Vincennes ‘05)
Todd Griffin (East Carolina ‘90)
Gerald Grindler (UMSL ‘69)
Quentin Groce (Grand Valley State ‘06)
Thomas Gross (Shippensburg ‘64)
Leilani Gross (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Andrew Grosso (Monmouth ‘05)
Donald Grubaugh (Ohio Northern ‘65)
Rick Grubbs (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Donald Gruber (Beloit ‘63)
Caleb Gulley (Middle Tennessee ‘09)
Richard Gurevich (San Diego State ‘90)
David Gutin (Rutgers ‘67)
Rogelio Guzman (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Michael Hachey (Toronto ‘92)
Ryan Hahn (Missouri S&T ‘94)
John Hall (Iowa State ‘95)
Albert Hammill (Wake Forest ‘82)
Erik Hansen (Miami (OH) ‘12)
Charles Harrell (Houston ‘16)
Dwayne Harris (Seton Hall ‘87)
Sally Harrison (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Jason Hastings (Loyola-Chicago ‘94)
Tom Hay (North Carolina State ‘77)
Brendan Head (Oregon ‘09)
Karl Heid (Oakland ‘87)
Jerry Heinz (Valparaiso ‘60)
Charles Henck (Maryland ‘69)
David Herr (Penn State ‘77)
Ivan Herrera (California-Irvine ‘95)
Brian Hess (Eastern Illinois ‘97)
Gary Hildebrandt (UC Santa Barbara ‘58)
Thomas Hilson (California-Irvine ‘97)
Andy Hinkle (Cal State Fullerton ‘97)
John Hinsch (Valparaiso ‘66)
Thomas Hoban (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
Joe Hoferer (California-Irvine ‘95)
Bruce Hoffberger (Maryland ‘68)
Ted Hoffman (Eastern Illinois ‘83)
Chris Holland (Virginia Tech ‘90)
Mark Holloway (Southeastern Oklahoma State ‘85)
Brandon Honey (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Gregory Honore’ (Cal State Fullerton ‘81)
David Hooker (Ball State ‘70)
Matthew Howell (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Marcus Hundley (Morehead State ‘05)
Jasper Hunter (Arkansas State ‘58)
Christopher Hurley (Rochester Tech ‘79)
Gerald Hurst (North Carolina State ‘53)
Ryan Husaynu (Detroit-Mercy ‘79)
James Hutchison (Eastern Illinois ‘63)
Bill Imada (CSU-Northridge ‘77)
Anthony Imbrunone (Saginaw Valley State ‘11)
Janice Jackson (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Gunars Jakobsons (Drexel ‘54)
Billal Javaid (Georgia ‘12)
George Johnides (Eastern Kentucky ‘80)
Brian Johnson (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
David Johnson (Eastern Kentucky ‘78)
Erdean Johnson (Cal State Long Beach ‘73)
Jeffrey Johnson (Oakland ‘86)
Wayne Johnson (Illinois ‘63)
Jim Johnston (Rhode Island ‘83)
Joseph Jolls (Rhode Island ‘87)
Ron Jones (Virginia ‘65)
Vincent Jones (Eastern Kentucky ‘85)
Andrew Justice (Morehead State ‘82)
Joe Kaufman (UMSL ‘00)
Andy Kaye (St. Lawrence ‘68)
Paul Ke (Purdue ‘88)
Kenneth Kelly (UC Berkeley ‘58)
Michael Kelly (Seton Hall ‘76)
Gene Kemmeter (Wisconsin-Stevens Point ‘66)
Matthew Kenny (UTSA ‘11)
Thomas Kessler (West Virginia Tech ‘67)
Walter Kesting (Maryland ‘67)
Richard Ketelhohn (Morehead State ‘72)
Darien Ketterer (Penn College ‘17)
Dennis Kikola (Slippery Rock ‘87)
Wallace Kile (Eastern Michigan ‘62)*
David Kleikamp (Missouri S&T ‘84)
Kyle Klemencic (Washington State ‘10)
Dan Kobler (Minnesota ‘12)
Jesse Koch (Penn State-Altoona ‘03)
Kyle Koelbel (Arizona State ‘06)
Bob Koger (Ohio Northern ‘62)
Brian Kratz (Missouri S&T ‘94)
Zackery Krueger (Saginaw Valley State ‘14)
Matthew Kuhn (Embry-Riddle (FL) ‘88)
Ryan Kuhn (Oakland ‘07)
Andy Kuper (Southern Indiana ‘12)
Stan Lacy (Virginia ‘64)
Keith Lam (California-Irvine ‘96)
Tony LaMagna (Cal State Fullerton ‘88)
David Lancaster (Western Michigan ‘98)
Ed Lance (Wisconsin-Oshkosh ‘66)*
Thomas Lang (Wake Forest ‘75)
Sidney Lanier (Auburn ‘57)
Jim Lannon (Illinois ‘54)
Keith LaRose (UTSA ‘10)
GSC Rhett LaRose (UTSA ‘08)
Christopher Lastre (Monmouth ‘02)
Robert Latshaw (Alabama ‘04)
Yvette Latta (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Fred Lauzier (Cal State Long Beach ‘69)
Tyler Leeson (Cal State Fullerton ‘01)
William Leiby (Cal State Fullerton ‘20)
Michael Leitzke (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Jerry Leman (SIU-Carbondale ‘62)
Todd Leman (Central Michigan ‘89)
Larry Lennon (Cal State Long Beach ‘61)
Robert Leslie (Cal State Long Beach ‘61)
Jeremy Lessmann (Franklin & Marshall ‘88)
Kent Lewis (UCLA ‘57)
Dennis Lichtenberg (Wisconsin-Oshkosh ‘66)
Richard Lilley (Akron ‘77)
Ronald Lind (SLU ‘79)
James Lipow (UCLA ‘75)
Zachary Littrell (UMSL ‘12)
Sean Lobb (California-Irvine ‘10)
Jack LoGiudice (Loyola-Chicago ‘68)
Michael Long (Oakland ‘03)
Wilson Love (Middle Tennessee ‘17)
Paul Lowe (Akron ‘67)
Andrew Luedeke (Washington State ‘17)
Elaine Lund (Friend of Sigma Pi)
James Lynch (Detroit-Mercy ‘85)
Boyd Mackleer (Drexel ‘59)
Guy Madsen (Monmouth ‘16)
Curtis Marcell (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Seth Marin (Buffalo ‘96)
Caleb Marlow (Middle Tennessee ‘13)
Edward Marlow (Eastern Illinois ‘64)
Robert Marrone (Monmouth ‘98)
Marty Martin (Missouri S&T ‘19)
Mark Martin (Eastern Illinois ‘73)
Joe Masino (Rhode Island ‘04)
David Mathews (Indiana ‘55)
Steven Mathews (Wisconsin-Oshkosh ‘66)
Steve Matlick (Rutgers ‘88)
James Matten (Beloit ‘66)
Joseph Mattingly (Murray State ‘87)
John Mazur (Worcester Polytechnic ‘65)
Joseph McBride (Cal State Fullerton ‘00)
George McCombs (Penn State ‘51)
Danny McCurdy (Edinboro ‘89)
Todd McDonough (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Bob McEntee (NJIT ‘58)
Mike McFadden (Monmouth ‘18)
Shaun McGovern (Indiana ‘89)
Donald McGowan (Loyola-Chicago ‘64)
James McGrath (NJIT ‘77)
Patrick McGrath (Washington ‘84)
Stewart McKnight (Auburn ‘55)
Dennis McLaughlin (Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘64)
Lisa McMahon (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Brian McNicholas (Rutgers ‘92)
Henri McVey (Millersville ‘84)
Jake Mercier (Worcester Polytechnic ‘20)
Ryan Meskimen (CSU-Bakersfield ‘89)
Valerie Messana (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Robert Metzler (Edinboro ‘90)
Umberto Milano (Worcester Polytechnic ‘68)
Paul Militello (Florida ‘84)
Christopher Miller (Cal State Fullerton ‘00)
Michael Miller (Virginia ‘72)
Nicholas Miller (Cal State Chico ‘03)
Adrian Miranda (California-Irvine ‘97)
Robert Misheloff (California-Irvine ‘95)
Kevin Moats (Fairmont State ‘85)
Jeffrey Mockaitis (Missouri S&T ‘93)
Bart Moenster (Missouri S&T ‘68)
Cole Monroe (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Christopher Montana (Radford, VA ‘10)
Eric Monte (Western Illinois ‘88)
Jahmar Moodie (Montclair State ‘10)
Steve Moore (Oakland ‘93)
Adam Moose (Middle Tennessee ‘11)
Floyd Moreland (Purdue ‘56)
Harvey Morris (Wake Forest ‘67)
Dennis Mortlock (Western Michigan ‘68)
Joseph Mosca (Monmouth ‘91)
Catherine Mosley (Friend of Sigma Pi)
James Munson (Oregon State ‘08)
Kari Murphy (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Joseph Murray (Central Missouri ‘69)
Erik Murrell (NJIT ‘06)
Ken Myers (Morehead State ‘71)
Alex Myren (Arkansas State ‘13)
George Nail (New Mexico State ‘60)
Liron Nelik (UCLA ‘00)
Andrew Nelson (Plymouth State ‘21)
Mark Nelson (Purdue ‘78)
Chris Newman (Cal State Fullerton ‘88)
Brian Newton (UMSL ‘98)
Helen Nicholas (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Scott Nicholls (California-Santa Cruz)
Christopher Nicholson (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Robert Niehaus (Missouri S&T ‘65)
Robert Nitowski (Edinboro ‘88)
Kasey Nolen (Morehead State ‘96)
Chuck Norris (Auburn ‘58)
Carl Oros (Murray State ‘88)
Bob Orr (Missouri S&T ‘66)
Scott Palmer (Indiana ‘94)
Peter Palmiotto (Cal State Long Beach ‘92)
Charles Pankenier (California-Irvine ‘95)
John Papierniak (Wisconsin-Platteville ‘70)
Brent Paris (Indiana ‘89)
Michael Parisi (Monmouth ‘99)
Bradley Parker (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Ardy Parto (California-Irvine ‘09)
Dominic Patrus (Oakland ‘13)
Donald Patterson (Western Michigan ‘99)
Michael Pechulis (Drexel ‘95)
Louis Pegram (Wake Forest ‘63)
Trey Peters (Middle Tennessee ‘17)
William Peters (Arkansas ‘75)
Bruce Peterson (UCLA ‘75)
Alexander Pettigrew (Indiana of Pennsylvania ‘15)
Leo Pflug (NJIT ‘71)
Henry Phan (Cal Poly ‘08)
Kevin Phelan (Monmouth ‘01)
Sean Phelan (Wake Forest ‘88)
Jason Pickard (Kutztown ‘91)
Rob Pipes (Vincennes ‘88)
Bryant Plasencia (Carson, CA ‘13)
Richard Plath (Eastern Illinois ‘61)
Blake Poole (Arkansas Tech ‘09)
Ryan Post (Valparaiso ‘09)
Kevin Prater (Middle Tennessee ‘09)
Justin Priode (Eastern Kentucky ‘09)
John Quaintance (William & Mary ‘66)
Matt Quimby (Bridgewater State ‘00)
Scott Quinlan (Fairmont State ‘95)
Zach Quinn (Oakland ‘14)
Patricia Quiroz (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Mohammad Rahman (William & Mary ‘07)
Louis Ravetti (UCLA ‘54)
Rob Ray (Oakland ‘97)
Eric Reesbeck (Rutgers ‘71)
Joe Resendes (Rhode Island ‘63)
Benjamin Reynolds (Auburn ‘67)
Frederick Rheaume (Bridgewater State ‘99)
John Rhode (UCLA ‘90)
Cecil Rhodes (Ohio State ‘51)
John Richardson (Cal State Long Beach ‘09)
David Richert (Oregon State ‘81)
William Richko (Rutgers ‘65)
Connor Riser (Cornell ‘13)
Gregory Ritchie (UMSL ‘98)
Robert Roberson (UMSL ‘69)
James Roberts (Saginaw Valley State ‘98)
William Roberts (Eastern Kentucky ‘96)
John Robertson (Purdue ‘47)
Arthur Rodriguez (Carson, CA ‘14)
Jeff Rohring (Cal State Long Beach ‘83)
Jay Rojo (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Brandon Rokos (UCLA ‘09)
Paul Roman (Cal State Fullerton ‘88)
David Rose (Barton ‘72)
Robert Rosenberg (Beloit ‘69)
Jay Ross (UCLA ‘90)
Alan Rovira (Southeastern Louisiana ‘88)
Christopher Ruth (UMSL ‘07)
Michael Rutherford (UMSL ‘69)
Fernando Salgado (Cal State Fullerton ‘17)
Paul Salvesen (Monmouth ‘05)
Cory Sanders (Arkansas State ‘95)
Andre Sappingfield (California-Irvine ‘03)
Josh Saucier (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Jared Schindlbeck (Missouri State ‘21)
Gary Schirmacher (Arkansas State ‘81)
Richard Schmidt (North Carolina State ‘80)
Gary Schoenborn (Wisconsin-Stout ‘73)
R.J. Schoener (Eastern Kentucky ‘17)
Ronald Schoenheit (Oregon State ‘61)
Wes Schuchard (Morehead State ‘74)
Connor Schwalm (Norfolk, VA ‘12)
Paul Scott (Virginia ‘62)
Jack Seaman (Fitchburg State ‘18)
Matthew Sears (Eastern Kentucky ‘09)
James Seese (Drexel ‘58)
Gregory Selasky (Fairmont State ‘87)
Farhang Shahzadi (California-Irvine ‘95)
Joseph Shaw (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Jeramie Shea (Drexel ‘96)
Jeremy Sheffield (West Alabama ‘09)
Don Shelton (Arkansas State ‘50)
Jordan Sherrell (Middle Tennessee ‘12)
Griffin Shields (Monmouth ‘19)
Jon Shubin (California-Irvine ‘09)
Cody Shultz (Worcester Polytechnic ‘10)
Andrew Shuman (Ohio State ‘88)
Blaine Sidle (Shippensburg ‘63)
Austin Siegfried (Delaware ‘09)
James Singer (North Carolina State ‘71)
James Sklar (Oakland ‘10)
Brent Smith (Indiana of Pennsylvania ‘01)
Christine Smith (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Curt Snow (San Diego State ‘65)
Estel Snyder (Ohio State ‘58)
Corey Somarriba (California-Irvine ‘09)
Thomas Sommerfield (Indiana Tech ‘77)
Ben Sorteberg (Salisbury ‘14)
Melitza Sowley (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Robert Sparhawk (Akron ‘66)
Jim Spencer (San Diego State ‘67)
Scott Sperber (Cal State Fullerton ‘82)
Harry Speth (Drexel ‘52)
Jim Spitze (UC Berkeley ‘56)
John Spoff (Ohio State ‘56)
Jack St. Pierre (Elon ‘21)
Joseph Stahl (Missouri S&T ‘65)
Shane Stahl (California-Irvine ‘14)
Neil Stampe (Cal State Long Beach ‘65)
Dave Standiford (Temple ‘51)
Robert Stansbury (Purdue ‘52)
Ronald Steckel (East Stroudsburg ‘68)
Justin Steele (Christopher Newport ‘00)
Walter Steinmann (Missouri S&T ‘56)
Michelle Stepp (Friend of Sigma Pi)
John Sterne (William & Mary ‘97)
William Stimmel (William & Mary ‘90)
Charles Stott (Wake Forest ‘65)
Jonathan Strantz (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
Gary Straus (Central Michigan ‘75)
Gary Stroup (Ohio Northern ‘61)
Colin Sullivan (Middle Tennessee ‘13)
Sam Suri (Cal Poly ‘17)
Thomas Svitkovich (Eastern Michigan ‘62)
Kenneth Swart (Cal State Long Beach ‘58)
Michael Szemplinski (SIU-Carbondale ‘13)
Brian Szubinski (Ferris State ‘04)
Jonathan Tchack (Rutgers ‘72)
Shea Teague (Elon ‘78)
Taylor Temple (California-Irvine ‘10)
Justin Thenutai (California-Irvine ‘01)
Christopher Thomas (Auburn ‘91)
JT Thomas (Middle Tennessee ‘08)
John Thomas (Auburn ‘62)
Neil Thorsbakken (Middle Tennessee ‘07)
William Tillotson (Missouri State ‘51)
Piper Tobias (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Emmett Tompkins (UCLA ‘55)
Richard Tracy (Texas A&M-Corpus Christi ‘70)
Adam Treiger (UCLA ‘89)
Dorsey Troutman (Missouri State ‘75)
Ray Truman (Cal Poly ‘08)
Jeremy Turner (NJIT ‘97)
Ray Uptegrove (North Carolina State ‘60)
Michael Uraine (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Dennis Urbas (West Virginia Tech ‘67)
Pat Vacanti (Santa Clara, CA ‘90)
Duane Vanhook (Middle Tennessee ‘09)
GFC Kent Varney (Kentucky ‘97)
Paul Della Vecchia (SIU-Carbondale ‘63)
Jeremy Victor (Monmouth ‘12)
Ryan Villanueva (Cal State Fullerton ‘18)
Dean Vincent (Indiana State ‘79)*
Jack Voight (Wisconsin-Oshkosh ‘67)
Bryan Wadkins (Cal State Fullerton ‘91)
Bill Wagner (Indiana State ‘68)
Daniel Wahl (Wisconsin-Oshkosh ‘71)
Jeffrey Waite (Oakland ‘92)
Chuck Walker (Wisconsin-Platteville ‘72)
Jason Walker (Georgia ‘92)
Michael Wampler (Eastern Illinois ‘66)
James Ward (Drexel ‘61)
John Ward (Auburn ‘53)
Donald Ward (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Gregory Webb (UMSL ‘70)
Frank Weber (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
John Webster (Arkansas State ‘48)
Thomas Weese (San Jose State ‘52)
Mark Weitz (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Leo Welch (Eastern Illinois ‘59)
Benjamin Wenner (Norfolk, VA ‘08)
Michael Whelan (Norfolk, VA ‘03)
Peter Whitsett (CSU-Northridge ‘87)
Lee Wilson (LSU ‘71)
Ian Wolf (Rutgers ‘12)
Norman Wolff (Penn State ‘56)
Michael Wong (California-Irvine ‘97)
Tom Woodruff (NJIT ‘71)
Jen Wyatt (Friend of Sigma Pi)
GH Paul Wydra (UMSL ‘96)
Robert York (Cal State Fullerton ‘87)
Brian Young (Oakland ‘99)
Patrick Zajac (Friend of Sigma Pi)
Edward Zanghi (Western Illinois ‘76)
Donald Zeitinger (Missouri S&T ‘79)
John Zielke (Oakland ‘87)
Larry Zimmerman (LSU ‘71)


Circle of Pythagoras

Beginning in 2021, the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation proudly created a new giving level recognition: the Circle of Pythagoras. The Circle of Pythagoras creates a new pillar of support in your giving before joining the Brotherhood of the Golden cross at $1000 per fiscal year. The first group of donors who achieved the giving level in 2021 are recognized below.

Scott Chastain (Florida ‘89)
Jeff Cline (NC State ’85)
Mason Cozart (Southern Arkansas ‘77)
John Dinka (Detroit-Mercy ‘79)
Joseph Elliott (Missouri S&T ‘68)
James Espy (Beloit ‘67)
Nelson Farris (Cal State Long Beach ‘63)
Stephen Fronapfel (NJIT ‘67)
Andrew Glassman (Cal State Fullerton ‘84)
Ian Itschner (Oregon State ‘91)
Thomas Lang (Wake Forest ‘75)
John Marshall (Ohio State ‘67)
Michael McDonald (Cal State Fullerton ‘78)
Jeffrey Mockaitis (Missouri S&T ‘93)
David Newberg (Cal State Long Beach ‘78)
Steven Ochmanski (Rowan ’90)
Randall Ottinger (Cornell ’77)
GS Joseph Palazzolo (Monmouth ’00)
PGH Robert Pankau (Oakland ’02)
Scott Porter (Purdue ‘82)
David Presson (Murray State ’77)
James Pugh (Arkansas ‘66)
Peter Roknich (Northern Illinois ‘59)
Austin Siegfried (Delaware ‘09)
PGS James Verplanck (Mississippi ‘59)
John Weber (Ohio Northern ‘62)
* Denotes Adytum on High