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Quarterly Recognition – July 2019

Province Archon of the Quarter
David Magnano (Worcester Polytechnic Institute ’10)
David Magnano has proven to be a huge role model within the New England Province. He held his first province workshop at Bentley University that held 130 attendees from 5 different chapters. Since then, Magnano has been heavily involved with making sure that the New England chapters are continuing to be successful on their campuses by truly exemplifying what it means to be a Sigma Pi. In addition, Magnano has assisted our colonies at Plymouth State University and the University of Maine.

Chapter Director of the Quarter
Taylor Pickersgill (West Chester ‘11)
Taylor Pickersgill took over the role as Zeta-Alpha’s Chapter Director around Thanksgiving 2018 and has been extremely dedicated to getting the Chapter to head in the right direction. The Chapter recently returned to campus in Spring 2019 and Pickersgill has helped guide the Chapter by setting goals for them to be a top Chapter on their campus. He has helped with the Chapter’s internal operations, especially transitioning officers to ensure that everyone in the Chapter understands their obligations to Sigma Pi. Zeta-Alpha won the Grand Sage Cup in 2010 and that is now the goal for Pickersgill and the Chapter to one day bring it back to West Chester.

Sage of the Quarter
Tier 1 – Tyler Norman (Auburn ‘17)
Tyler has quickly adapted to his role as Sage of Alpha-Delta Chapter. Previously serving as Fourth Counselor, he has started his second year on the Chapter Executive Council and is now to determined to leave a lasting impact on his Chapter. Developing new recruitment strategies and improving the New Member experience has increased both bid acceptance and retention. Alpha-Delta is currently 195 men strong. The additional manpower has made it easier for the Chapter to establish a presence on campus. Alpha-Delta won both the Basketball and Softball Intramural Championship this quarter. The Chapter donated service hours and relief items to those affected by tornadoes in Alabama and hosted successful events to register donors during April’s National Donate Life Month. Alpha-Delta has also sponsored two mission trips in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, for Filter of Hope, an organization dedicated to providing clean drinking water to those without it. Tyler’s ability to manage these large Chapter meetings and make effective use of that time has made it possible for everyone to become very involved in all chapter activities. The Chapter also visited Athens, Georgia to attend a Province Workshop with the men of Alpha-Phi Chapter and even hosted Grand Sage Joe Palazzolo (Monmouth ‘00) at their chapter facility. The men of Alpha-Delta are well represented in the Auburn community and our Brotherhood.

Tier 2 – Justin Jachetta-Whitmire (Central Missouri‘17)
Justin Jachetta-Whitmire of Gamma-Gamma Chapter is the Tier 2 Sage of the quarter and for good reason. Working with Justin this year put on full display the goals he had not only for himself but for his Chapter as a whole. The Chapter has won the award for “GPA Above the All Men’s Average” the past two semesters and had a semester full of working and partnering with other Greek organizations on campus for philanthropy and community service. Some of those efforts included hosting a recruitment workshop with ZTA, Pie a Pi with Alpha Omicron Pi, and Bowling for Benefit with Alpha Omega Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon for Big Brother and Big Sister. The Chapter also executed a new ACE project this year where they provided different snacks to janitors on different days and concluded the week with a breakfast buffet for them. While the Chapter has done well on a large scale, Justin has also worked on creating a point system to keep members motivated and accountable to maintain and improve on the path of success they are currently on. Under Justin’s leadership, the Chapter was able to see a significant increase in their Chapter SOE from the previous year and internally he won the award of “Outstanding Brother” and “Most Influential” award for his Chapter. Justin represents the epitome of excellence.

Tier 3 Sage – Jake King (Saginaw Valley State ’17)
Throughout the 2018-2019 academic year, Theta-Beta Chapter has proven to be one of the best chapters both at Saginaw Valley State University as well as nationally by scoring a 95% on the Standards of Excellence for the year. The Chapter managed to become Greek Week champions for the year. In addition, the Chapter has been very involved in their philanthropic efforts and giving back to their community. Regarding community service, the Chapter has done the following: put together education kits for Math in the Mail, helped people move with the Mustard Seed Shelter, a Halloween event for kids known as Saginaw Boo Zoo, and spent the day cleaning/doing yard work for their neighborhood. In terms of philanthropy, the Chapter participated in SVSU’s Relay for Life, Super Hero’s strikeout against sexual assault, as well as hosting events for Donate Life and the Amazing Day Foundation. Behind these efforts, was Sage Jake King (Saginaw Valley State ’17) leading the charge. It is a result of these efforts that Jake King from Saginaw Valley State University (Theta-Beta) is deserving of the title, Tier 3 Sage of the Quarter for July 2019.

Tier 4 – John Fruhman (FDU-Metro ‘16)
John Fruhman has done a tremendous amount of work getting his Chapter headed in the right direction. He has become a leader to his Executive Council, his Chapter, and on FDU-Metro’s campus. John sat on the inter greek council as Vice President while also being an Orientation Leader for the University. John helped Epsilon-Xi put on many social and community events which won them a few awards from the University including Community Service Event of the Year and Social Event of the Year! His leadership helped the Chapter get back on track by receiving 85% on the SOE which is a 20% increase from last year! John exemplifies all 10 obligations of the Fraternity but more specifically, at all times be a gentleman and use moderation in all things; be an exemplary Sigma Pi and citizen; and work diligently to maintain good scholarship. John looks to continue his education by pursuing a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA).  Good luck in your future endeavors!