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Sigma Pi Quarterly Recognition – January 2019

Province Archon of the Quarter
Kevin Carey (Illinois Wesleyan ’09)
Kevin is the Illiana Province Archon and recently held a Province Workshop at University of Southern Indiana on Oct. 27, 2018 where the following chapters were in attendance: Alpha (Vincennes), Beta (Indiana), and Theta-Psi (Southern Indiana). The workshop turned out to be a huge success due to Kevin’s leadership and guidance throughout the day. In addition to overseeing the chapters in the Illiana Province, Kevin has dedicated much of his time as an alumni volunteer by assisting at national conferences including Convocation 2018 and MYLC 2019. Kevin’s involvement in the last few months makes him a worthy recipient of Province Archon of the Quarter.

Chapter Director of the Quarter
Ryan Post (Valparaiso ’09)
Ryan has been heavily involved with Beta-Tau to get them back on track. He has assisted the Chapter, especially the Executive Council with laying the foundation of what this Chapter needs to do in order to succeed. He has been focusing on the operations of the Chapter including finances, recruitment, reporting, and planning of events, just to name a few. Ryan has pushed for the Chapter to better their relations on campus and with the Executive Office. Ryan is very passionate about the success of his Chapter and continues to be involved on a regular basis. In addition to his role as CD, he volunteers as an alumni by facilitating at some of our national conferences including Province Workshops and MYLC but hopes to help out at Convocation and SPU. Ryan’s contributions to Beta-Tau has made him a deserving candidate for Chapter Director of the Quarter.

Sage of the Quarter
Tier 1 – Matthew Comeskey (South Florida ’16)
Matthew has served his Chapter as chairman of the New Member Education committee and Chapter Sage. During his time as new member educator, Matthew had inspired 100% of his neophytes to become initiated into the Fraternity. As Matthew begins his second term as Iota-Sigma Sage and with his knowledge gained at MYLC 2019, he plans to lead an even larger recruitment effort and initiate even more men into his younger Chapter (est. 2015). In the previous two years, Iota-Sigma was also able to secure a place to call home; a 4-unit apartment building that sleeps over 20 men. With this new meeting place and leaders like Matthew, the Brotherhood of Iota-Sigma only stands to grow stronger each year.

Tier 2 – Jake Ullerick (Wake Forest ’17)
The Sage of this Quarter for Tier 2 belongs to Jake Ullerick of Alpha-Nu Chapter (Wake Forest). Jake and his Chapter have been getting a lot of work done this semester. Whether it was in regard to philanthropy, community service, or recruitment, the Chapter put forward a great amount of effort to be competitive both on campus and nationally. With great leadership, the men of this Chapter are meeting the standard of what it means to be exemplary. With the Spring semester starting up on January 14th for the men of Alpha-Nu, there is also a great amount of anticipation for their Lounge Opening that will be taking place on January 26th, 2019 and will be in honor of PGS Gary B. Tash. Be sure to mark your calendar for the event for a great event and to meet Jake and the rest of the hard working members of Sigma Pi at Wake Forest.

Tier 3 Sage – Mike Heiberger (Valparaiso University ’17)
Over the last quarter, Mike has taken the necessary steps to bring his Chapter together to focus on the big picture. He has worked with the entire Chapter to help re-establish Beta-Tau’s brand identity at Valparaiso University through events (brotherhood, philanthropy, and community service) as well as getting the Chapter involved on and off campus. He has been one of the Chapter’s biggest influencers in their vision to become a better Chapter for the future. Over the last quarter, Mike has worked with the Chapter to set attainable goals for the 2018-2019 academic year. With all the great strides being made by Beta-Tau Chapter, Mike has earned the recognition of Tier 3 Sage of the Quarter.

Tier 4 – Francis Raboy (Bridgewater State ’17)
Francis is exactly what it means to be a good Sigma Pi and citizen. He is well-liked by all faculty, is very involved on campus and works for the University’s communication team. During my time at Bridgewater, Francis was able to set up an Executive Board meeting so we could chat about the future of Eta-Eta and start planning for the spring. I want to say thank you to Francis and the rest of Eta-Eta for treating me like a brother and not as “the guy from nationals.”