As we enter into the final months of the academic year, I am saddened to report that on Friday, April 12, an incident occurred at Epsilon-Omicron Chapter at the University at Buffalo in which Sebastian Serafin-Bazan passed away. At this time, all chapter operations have been suspended, and the members of the Chapter have been directed to cooperate with all investigation efforts. The National Fraternity and the University are providing counseling support to the brothers of the Chapter.
Over the past 6-12 months, we have been examining Health & Safety issues affecting college students. Based on our findings, both as Sigma Pi and as an industry (North American Interfraternity Conference), we recently announced the adoption of a new Hard Alcohol Policy which will take effect on June 1st, 2019. This policy will seek to provide a safer environment for undergraduate members to develop and grow through their matriculation via the Sigma Pi experience. It is important to note that we are not moving to an alcohol-free organization. As we prepare young men for their future careers and personal growth, we want them to better understand and utilize the fifth obligation of our Fraternity in their lives.

This past quarter we spent a great deal of time reviewing the results of surveys and focus groups completed by our undergraduate and alumni members. The outcomes of these surveys have allowed us to continue to refine our systems and processes to ensure we are meeting the needs of our members while maximizing our resources. A key initiative to help us meet these requests will be the establishment of an education and programs department that will create a resource center for our Brand Ambassadors. The resources created will empower our Brand Ambassadors to better collaborate with alumni and friends to prepare them to be advisors and mentors with our undergraduate leaders. Our ambition is to grow our volunteer base and build a strong network that brings our members together and allows us all to capitalize on the power of Sigma Pi. If you are interested in becoming an advisor or Brand Ambassador please contact the Province Archon in your region. You can find a full list of Province Archons here.

I want to give a special thank you to our donors for your generosity this year in supporting the Fraternity with your charitable gifts. Your continued dedication and philanthropic support provide financial resources for scholarships, grants and other educational endeavors that benefit our undergraduate members. If you would like to join others in supporting Sigma Pi, visit to make a gift today.
With the demands of today’s college campuses, in addition to a competitive workforce, it is imperative we continue to provide young men with leadership, financial management and other training needed to prepare them for their future. The core of our success is our alumni and friends involvement. Your knowledge, participation, and wisdom enhance the fraternal experience of our undergraduate members. Thank you to both our donors and volunteers for your continued confidence in Sigma Pi. We look forward to your commitment as we progress on our quest to ensure a world-class fraternal experience.
In conclusion, I’d like to take this time to congratulate all of our undergraduate brothers who will be receiving degrees across North America. We wish you great success as you advance your quest and venture into the workforce or pursue advanced collegiate studies.