Brothers and friends,
It has been an exciting start to the fall season with undergraduate brothers returning to their campuses to continue in their academic studies; and showcase the value of Sigma Pi, as they commenced their local recruitment seasons. Not only have our undergraduate members been busy, but our volunteers have been busy as well, thanks to new volunteer success programs being implemented across North America. Nationally, Sigma Pi has also strengthened our partnership with OmegaFi, that will provide greater support for our chapter officers and seeks to improve their financial management and communication systems.
This October, we welcomed over half of our Province Archons (lead regional volunteers) at the 2019 PA Summit in New Orleans. This year’s Summit provided instruction on new educational modules being utilized by undergraduate members, online support platforms for province volunteers, and education on liability assessment and risk management expectations. In addition, there was great enthusiasm and discussion on strengthening engagement efforts to provide opportunities in their provinces to involve more alumni. If you would be interested in being involved in your local area, please visit here to find the Province Archon for your area.
We are only 3 months away from the 19th Mid Year Leadership Conference to be held again in Kansas City, MO. This program is the premiere leadership and officer transition program for Sigma Pi. Annually our chapters send their newly elected officers to receive training on topics ranging from leadership and managing finances to health and safety and organizational policy expectations. Thanks to the charitable support of our alumni and friends, we are able to keep the cost low for undergraduate officers, while providing best in class education, to help them be better prepared to lead their chapters. If you would like to be a supporter or sponsor of this years program please visit sigmapi.org/mylc to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
Make your plans now to attend the 55th Convocation of Sigma Pi Fraternity in New Orleans from July 29 – August 2, 2020. Whether you are able to join us for the entire program or just for the weekend, we invite you to come celebrate Sigma Pi and participate in the many events and activities that are also open to spouses and partners. Registration for Convocation will open in March 2020, so please be on the lookout for more information throughout the year.
I would also like to take this time to recognize the top chapters from each tier, with the most properly registered new members. The chart above highlights the chapters from each of our four tiers who have properly reported their new members as of October 16, 2019. Thanks to these chapters, and many others across the Land of Sigma Pi, we continue to showcase the value and brand of Sigma Pi. Congratulations to these chapters, and we look forward to these new members successfully transitioning to full initiated members of our great Fraternity later this fall.
As I close, I want to thank both our donors and volunteers for your continued confidence in Sigma Pi. With the demands of today’s college campuses, in addition to a competitive workforce, it is your support that helps to provide the resources needed to provide a world-class fraternal experience for our undergraduate members. Our success is due in part to your continued commitment and dedication and we thank you for your leadership and support.