How Sigma Pi Is Addressing COVID-19, the Abolish Greek Life Movement, and Other Challenges
In many parts of the country, Sigma Pi undergraduates returned to campuses this fall to an environment that was completely different from what they had left in the spring. Social distancing, mask wearing, and Zoom classes and meetings are just a few of the new normals that students have adjusted to. Even in these tumultuous times, it is comforting to know that our undergraduate brothers have remained committed to promoting fellowship, developing character and leadership, advancing heightened moral awareness, enabling academic achievement, and inspiring service.
The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation has never been more dedicated to supporting the young men in our active chapters. As we push forward together through the pandemic, it’s imperative that we also live by our core values and advance our brotherhood’s impactful ideals. During this season of giving, Sigma Pi alumni can rest assured that gifts of all sizes to the educational foundation will make a tremendous difference in the lives of our undergraduate brothers.
Along with the pandemic, there has been another unwelcome movement related to Greek life that some of you may have heard about in recent months. The Abolish Greek Life movement has popped up on several college campuses. Driven largely by former sorority members who have posted various negative claims on social media, the Abolish Greek Life movement has primarily targeted fraternity men with sexual assault accusations and Greek chapters about not being inclusive when it comes to diversity and equity during recruitment.
As Sigma Pi alumni, we can attest that Greek life is a crucial component to the college experience and life after graduation. What the Abolish Greek Life movement proponents fail to realize is that fraternities like Sigma Pi were founded on the ideals of empowering young men to fight issues such as sexual assault and inequalities. We at Sigma Pi Fraternity and the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation will forever be devoted to inspiring, promoting, and supporting the lifelong development of our brothers.
While there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel of the pandemic with vaccine options on the way, the health and safety of our undergraduate brothers are still paramount. One of the challenges COVID-19 created for Sigma Pi chapters nationwide was how to handle recruitment this fall. Many chapters conducted recruitment via Zoom or other virtual platforms, which obviously is more challenging than trying to recruit potential new members in person.
Nevertheless, our undergraduate brothers did a tremendous job of showcasing what the Sigma Pi experience is all about to potential new members. They have learned so much about our brotherhood from the educational programs and leadership conferences of Sigma Pi, and it’s important that future members benefit from those same opportunities. The Educational Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, so all gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. A donation to the Educational Foundation will go a long way toward securing our fraternity’s future.
Whether it be financial struggles because of the suffering economy, having a personal experience with or knowing someone who has contracted COVID-19, or having the typical college experience taken away, the mental health of Sigma Pi’s collegians has been put to the test like never before. We’ve all been fortunate to have Sigma Pi brothers by our side during our highest of highs and lowest of lows. Now is the time to join the educational foundation and the fraternity in advocating for the Sigma Pi experience so our Sigma Pi brothers can thrive in all their endeavors.
In case you missed it, the following article is from the Winter 2021 issue of The Emerald. To read the issue, visit here.