Call for Commissioners

The Executive Office is looking for members who are interested in helping shape the direction of Sigma Pi Fraternity in moving toward the future. Specifically, we are looking for members willing to collaborate in the areas of expansion, communications, alumni engagement, volunteer services, and executive office operations. These commissioners will be tasked with analyzing the […]

Zeta-Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Pi Alumni Corporation Approved by Grand Council

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International announces that the Petition to Charter submitted by Zeta-Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Pi Alumni Corporation has been approved by a vote of the Grand Council. Zeta-Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Pi Alumni Corporation becomes the newest chartered alumni group of Sigma Pi. The Zeta-Epsilon (Michigan Tech) undergraduate and alumni membership now have a valuable […]

Sigma Pi Fraternity Seeks Executive Director

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED FOR THIS POSITION.  The Grand Council of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International seeks via application qualified candidates to serve in the full-time position as the 8th Executive Director of the Fraternity. The Executive Director (“ED”), the Chief Executive Officer and manager of the Executive Office, reports to the Fraternity’s Board of Directors […]

Charter Revoked From Eta-Psi Chapter at Clemson University

Effective January 29, 2016, the Grand Council of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International revoked the charter of Eta-Psi Chapter at Clemson University. Eta-Psi Chapter had their charter revoked after Clemson University suspended the Chapter as a result of their inability to adhere to University policies and sanctions. An appeal by the Chapter was denied by the […]

Jeffrey Cline (North Carolina State ’88) named South Atlantic Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce a Province Archon appointment. Jeffrey Cline (North Carolina State ’88) has been named South Atlantic Province Archon. The position had previously been vacant. Cline will work with five undergraduate chapters at Auburn (Alpha-Delta), Georgia (Alpha-Phi), Kennesaw State (Epsilon-Alpha), Clemson (Eta-Psi) and Georgia Tech (Iota-Mu). “I am honored to serve as the […]

Introducing Sigma Pi Connect

An online skill share and mentoring network to help all Sigma Pi members connect with employment, internship and mentoring opportunities. Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce the development of a unique platform that will harness the power of its network of brothers, Sigma Pi Connect. This new, exclusive community will allow users access […]

Nate Carlson Named Chairman of Elections Board

Grand Sage E. Andrew Morris (Murray State ’70) of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International has appointed Nate Carlson (Missouri State ’66) as the Chairman of the Elections Board. Carlson will be responsible for overseeing the elections process as defined by Bylaw 6. The Grand Chapter at the 52nd Biennial Convocation of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International, held […]

Charter Revoked From Iota-Epsilon Chapter at the University of Oregon

Effective December 14, 2015, the Grand Council of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International revoked the charter of Iota-Epsilon Chapter at the University of Oregon. Iota-Epsilon Chapter had their charter revoked after the University of Oregon suspended the Chapter as a result of the Chapter not adhering to University policies and sanctions. An appeal by the Chapter […]

Tucker (Cal Poly ’10) named Southern California Province Archon

Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is proud to announce a Province Archon appointment. Scott Tucker (Cal Poly ’10) has been named Southern California Province Archon. The position had previously been vacant. Tucker will work with eight undergraduate chapters at UCLA (Upsilon), UC-Santa Barbara (Alpha-Omicron), Cal State Long Beach (Beta-Omicron), San Diego Colony (Epsilon-Chi), Cal Poly (Eta-Delta), CSU-Dominguez […]