Dennis Uhlik (Indiana Tech ‘67) made Sigma Pi a big part of his life when his work career took him to Vincennes, IN, from 1986-2015, where he was Alpha’s Chapter Director for more than 15 years. Uhlik was also on their Housing Corp and Indiana’s Province Archon for a couple of years.
Although very involved with the Alpha Chapter, Uhlik’s Gamma-Kappa Chapter at Indiana Tech lost its charter and house about 15 years ago. Many of the brothers stay in touch, but nothing has ever been organized to reunite.
Since the brothers of Gamma-Kappa figured a Founders’ Day banquet would not be in the cards, they thought what better way to get back together than a cruise. Uhlik orchestrated the start of many reunions for the Gamma-Kappa Chapter.
In the first annual year three years ago, 13 brothers and their spouses headed out on a four-day excursion. Fast forward to 2021, 36 brothers gathered together for a week-long cruise. The next annual cruise will take place in February for a week to the Eastern Caribbean.
The brothers that join this alumni event range from brothers that have stayed in touch to college roommates and pledge brothers that hadn’t spoken in 40 years.
Brotherhood truly lasts a lifetime, whether you are still in touch with your brothers or haven’t spoken in years. Get in touch with your chapter, or find an alumni club near you!