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Adytum on High: Dean Houser

To all members of Sigma Pi:

On March 31, 2015, the Executive Office was notified that Brother Dean Houser (Epsilon, Ohio ’70) passed to the Adytum on High. He transferred from Vincennes University to Ohio University and reopened the dormant chapter that had been closed since 1943. “Epsilon, A Once Great Chapter of Sigma Pi” documents the loss of the chapter which set rules in the NIC against “pirating.”

Brother Houser assisted the Executive Office in running the Convocation operations in the 1980s, due to his background in hotel management. While living in Florida, he served as Chapter Director for several different chapters, and also served as Florida Province Archon until 2014. When Epsilon Chapter was reopened again in 2010, Dean was part of the installation team.

A friend of Dean that worked with him reported the information of his passing, saying that all he ever talked about was Sigma Pi. Many join the Fraternity, but to Brother Houser it was a big part of his daily life.


Grand Sage and Grand Council of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International