It’s been just over a month since I stepped into The Mitchell House to begin my new role as your Alumni Services & Communications Consultant for Sigma Pi. My focus since then is to simplify all streams of communications between you, the alumni, and your Executive Office. Since, we’ve introduced this very website, The Emerald Online. It’s purpose is to eliminate the time in between each print edition of your magazine, and provide a marketplace of educational articles, insight to your chapter’s updates, and lifestyle articles for all Sigma Pi men.
One week prior to Founders’ Day, 9,000 invitations were sent to brothers who registered their event with your Executive Office. This offered new opportunities to meet local Sigma Pi brothers, or the opportunity to revisit your own chapter. Over 1,000 brothers vowed to wear their badge on Founders’ Day, and the communication on social media had my phone buzzing from dawn to dusk.
On Founders’ Day Advanced-Online launched The Online Store of Sigma Pi. A resource allowing brothers and undergraduate chapters easy access to Sigma Pi-branded memorabilia, clothing and accessories, watches and more. 20% of all proceeds are donated to the Grand Chapter. There are over 600 Sigma Pi Store items, and this is just the beginning. We are in the process of bringing more items, like lapel pins, bids, flags and more. Learn more about The Online Store of Sigma Pi.
Since then, SigmaPi.org upgraded its Alumni Services presence. Now Updating your Information and your subscription for The Emerald has become even easier, and keeping you informed responsibly is my priority. Finding an opportunity to give back through volunteerism is even easier at SigmaPi.org/Volunteer. Volunteer and Advisor position descriptions are online, and a step-by-step guide to volunteering on an international or local level is easier than ever. New graduates are now properly being engaged after they become an alumnus, and soon will begin to receive information on new ways to stay involved post-graduation. Finding, joining and establishing an alumni club will be easier soon too!
@SigmaPiAlumni‘s presence on Twitter has evolved, and I encourage you to tweet myself any questions you may have. Think of it as a support line to your Executive Office, or a news stream to hear about the latest coming from Sigma Pi. More improvements to our alumni educational programming, email communication and mentor opportunities are coming soon.
In the future you can expect to find an improved presence on the #1 professional development social network, LinkedIn. Improvements to alumni communication methods, and additional benefits for our volunteers and alumni associations. Additionally, The Emerald Online will be feature more chapter and alumni club reports and successes – so you can keep in touch with your local chapter.
Use the comment feature below to provide insight on what you’d like to see as an alumnus of Sigma Pi. It is my priority to ensure that I am completing the tasks you expect of your Executive Office.
Philip A. Aiello
Alumni Services & Communications Consultant