Founders' Month of Giving: $26,633/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:

Lawrence Tech: Philanthropy is a priority for Sigma Pi fraternity

Last semester we were very busy as usual. Christmas break was a well-deserved breather for our organization. It gave us a time to regroup for the upcoming semester.

Back in October we had the opportunity to do a fund-raising event through the Cedar Point Hall-O-Weekends program where we were able to make a nice sum of money. This fund-raising event is a lot of fun for our organization and we can’t wait to return in the fall.

We were able to hold several philanthropy events including an Autism Speak Campaign, Adopt-a-Road, and a canned food drive with the help of Gleaners Food Bank. We also worked with the Office of Student Engagement once again to bake Thanksgiving pumpkin pies for Forgotten Harvest. Those events were for the month of November alone, so you can see we hold philanthropy very close to our hearts. We strive to do several events like those each month.

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(by Demetrius Johnson, Tech News)