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Jersey Shore Alumni Club Approved by Grand Council

Sigma Pi - Crest - Full ColorSigma Pi Fraternity, International announces that the Petition to Charter submitted by the Jersey Shore Alumni Club has been approved by a vote of the Grand Council.  The Jersey Shore Alumni Club becomes the newest chartered regional alumni group of Sigma Pi.

The undergraduate and alumni membership now have a valuable resource along the northern New Jersey shore. They will help to reconnect alumni who may have lost touch with the fraternity.  The Alumni Club will work to rekindle the spirit of brotherhood among alumni members in the area, as well as allow for networking opportunities.  It will recreate the beneficial friendships that are so vital to the personal and financial growth of our members.  Membership in the Jersey Shore Alumni Club is open to all alumni in good standing, regardless of chapter, who live and work in the area, along with all alumni from Delta-Beta Chapter (Monmouth University), Delta-Epsilon Chapter (Seton Hall University), Gamma-Eta Chapter (Rutgers University), and Theta-Delta Chapter (The College of New Jersey).

We congratulate the 51 founding fathers of the Jersey Shore Alumni Club for their incredible work and commitment to a united Sigma Pi brotherhood. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Jersey Shore Alumni Club can contact Bart Tripoli at

We are proud to see the number of Regional Alumni Clubs of Sigma Pi continue to grow and we look forward to expanding our alumni engagement on this front across all of North America,” said Michael Ayalon, Executive Director. “Congratulations to everyone involved, including the dedicated Sigma Pi alumni of New Jersey, our alumni volunteers, and the great chapters that now have even more support in the state of New Jersey.”