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A Year in Review: Volunteer Engagement

In case you missed it, the following article is from the Winter 2021 issue of The Emerald. Written by Jacob Camilleri (Saginaw Valley State ’14), Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving. To read the issue, visit here.

Sigma Pi has been making strategic strides to provide our Alumni Volunteers more resources than ever before.

In spring 2020, we invested in online learning modules for all of our Province Archons and Chapter Directors. To date, 68 out of 124 or 54.8% of volunteers have completed the course which gives them knowledge on their advisor role, relationships, inter-fraternal experience, hazing prevention, mentoring college students and eradicating harmful traditions. These will be utilized for assessing our appointed volunteers as we conduct annual reviews on our volunteer program.

Another strategic stride we have made is incorporating a volunteer code of conduct that must be signed by all Province Archons and Chapter Directors. To date, 96 out of 124 or 77.4% have signed the document. Sigma Pi has an obligation to ensure volunteers are educated and provide acknowledgement of Sigma Pi policies as well as to ensure compliance with insurance and policy expectations.

The importance of these modules and code of conduct is to provide education for our volunteers to keep you aware and knowledgeable about the issues and problems that are facing the undergraduate members every day, and how you can help navigate them through these issues. Even more so, we want to keep our volunteers up to date with the changes in the greek industry and enhance the opportunity to properly respond to a situation. If you are in a position other than Province Archon or Chapter Director and would be interested in enhancing your knowledge base, please contact

More resources than ever before are available to you on, including: PhiredUp Recruitment and Chapter Builder resources, updated Province Archon, Chapter Advisor, Alumni Club, and Alumni Advisory Board manuals. You can also find general Fraternity information on this page, including brand standards and marketing tools, financial tools, and much more.