Founders' Month of Giving: $26,633/$30,000 GOAL | Thank you to our donors:


Develop and implement exceptional training programs to cultivate volunteers’ knowledge of and passion for their role, and in turn, experience a high level of empowerment, enjoyment, and self-fulfillment.


  • Ensure that Chapter Advisory Roles are filled by dedicated individuals who exemplify the values of Sigma Pi, so that each chapter, its officers and fellow advisors receive the necessary support to prosper.
  • Require that every recognized volunteer has completed the Code of Conduct and attended the Volunteer Summit to ensure the Fraternity is served by upstanding and well-equipped volunteers.
  • Provide volunteers with support from the national headquarters and volunteer networks to determine best practices for their advisory position to accommodate their chapter’s unique needs.

Results to Date

27 Chapter Advisor roles have been appointed since July 2022

100% of currently appointed volunteers have signed the code of conduct

Volunteers have access to quarterly virtual sessions via Zoom. The Alumni Advisory Board Packet is readily available on our website for all volunteers. Additionally, volunteers are invited to participate in the Mid-Year Leadership Conference and Back To School Summit where experienced advisors will share their insights on effective advisory board management and best practices.