As we enter the month of April, Sigma Pi chapters across the country are working hard to support Donate Life Month. All of our chapters have been asked to support Donate Life Month by either hosting or participating in a Donate Life Event. The mission of Donate Life is to drive individuals, organizations and communities to increase the number of designated organ, eye and tissue donors who save and heal lives. One day, we hope and believe organ, eye and tissue donation will be embraced as a fundamental human responsibility.
We are asking all of our members to utilize their various social media platforms to share the good work they are doing in their local communities to support organ and tissue donation. The responsibility is on each and every one of us to share the positive power of fraternity. I challenge you to post pictures and updates showing how your chapter is helping this worthy cause using @sigmapi and #donatelife. Additionally, when you see another chapter showcasing their support on social media, we encourage to you “like” and “share” the posts to help increase the reach of the good things we are doing.

We have created several resources that you can use on any social media platform that can be accessed by visiting our Donate Life Resource Page. Please utilize these resources to generate awareness of this campaign and our support.
We have created an online portal that all of our chapters can use to register and reaffirm previously registered organ and tissue donors. Please use sigmapi.org/donatelifemonth to complete this process. We will be tracking how many donors each chapter registers and reaffirms. The chapter that registers the most organ and tissue donors by April 30thwill receive t-shirts for each member of the chapter and the Chana Family Trophy. This perpetual trophy will be passed annually to the chapter that registers the most donors during the month of April.
In addition to hosting or participating in local events, we are asking that all of our chapters observe Blue & Green Day on Friday, April 17th. On this day, please ask all of your chapter members to wear blue and green clothing to show their support. Be sure to showcase your support on social media and submit your pictures to Donate Life America for a chance to win.

Finally, it is very important to document all of the work your chapter does to support Donate Life Month. We are asking that all chapters complete the International Philanthropy Event Report so we can compile all of the projects completed by our members.
If you have any questions about Donate Life Month, please feel free to contact your Executive Office Representative or Kevin Pons at kpons@sigmapi.org. Thank you in advance for your participating in Donate Life Month. We look forward to seeing some amazing accomplishments from our chapters.