I just realized that there are roughly two and half months of school left for most of our chapters – Wow! It seems like time has gone by so quick this school year, and graduation is almost here. I have visited 14 different campuses so far, and I have another ten that I will still visit over the next few months.
I find that our chapters are performing better than ever and are doing great things on their campus in philanthropy, community service, intramurals, brotherhood, and academics. One area that I have noticed to be a struggle for most chapters is ongoing education. As part of the Standards of Excellence (SOE), each chapter should conduct a workshop in each of the following areas:
- Harm Reduction Workshop (Risk Management, Relationship & Sexual Violence)
- Financial Literacy Workshop (Personal Financial Planning & Management)
- Academic Success Workshop (Learning Styles & Study Skills)
- Etiquette Workshop (Chivalry & Decorum of a Gentlemen)
- Professional Development Workshop (Resumes, Interviews & Conduct/Dress)
- Goal Setting Workshop (Personal, Professional & Organizational)
- Men’s Health Workshop (Fitness & Wellness)
- Recruitment Workshop with 90% attendance AND provide Continuous Recruitment Education
It is the responsibility of the chapters 2nd Counselor to schedule these workshops, and they need to be conducted throughout the school year. There are four different ways to hold or participate in these workshops:
- Have a campus professional give a presentation on the topic.
- Have a community expert give a presentation on the topic.
- Have an alumnus, who is an expert on the subject, give a presentation on the topic
- Attend a campus approved workshop on the topic.
In the past, chapters have had active members give their presentations. We have found that these presentations do not have the quality that an expert on the topic would have. Involving campus professionals, community members, and alumni volunteers also provide the chapter with better public relations and connections that they might not have before. The Recruitment Workshop is the only exception to this and can be presented by the chapter members.
Another recommendation is to substitute these workshops in place of chapter meetings. You can still have about 15 minutes of general announcements for the week and then let the presenter have the next 45 minutes to an hour. Your member attendance will be much higher, and you can rotate these workshops every other week until you have had them all.
Once you have your workshop set up, make sure to fill out the pertinent information in your Chapter Workbook Google Doc. In order to receive points for the SOE, you will need to have the following attendance:
- Conducted OR participated with 80%+ attendance is worth 12 points
- Conducted OR participated is worth 6 points
The Recruitment Workshop attendance is a little different:
- Workshop with 90% attendance AND continuous education is worth 16 points
- Workshop with less than 90% attendance AND continuous education is worth 8 points
Whoever you have present for these workshops remember to dress professionally, give them your undivided attention, be sure to thank them, and send them a thank you note. By doing this, you will leave a good impression with the presenter, and you now have a future resource for your chapter.
These workshops will provide education that your chapter may not receive in the classroom and can be a recruitment tool that you can provide to potential new members. Ongoing education for your chapter will help you on your Quest for Excellence!