Volunteer Expectations
Volunteer Expectations
- Chapter/Colony Director
Time Commitment
- 2-3 hours per week, depending upon status of chapter, and the number of members of the chapter alumni advisory board
- Stay in close contact with undergraduate officers, at least weekly (in person, e-mail, phone, text)
- Phone call/e-mail contact with Province Archon and Chapter Management Associate a minimum of once per month
- Use your @sigmapi.org e-mail account for communication with Executive Office Staff
- Cumulative report on chapter submitted once per semester, and biannually for Convocation
- Participate in Monthly Alumni Volunteer Conference Calls hosted by the chapter Management Associate
- Local – Attend at least two (2) chapter meetings per month, more if needed. Attend officer meetings as appropriate. Attend ALL ritual events (pledging, initiations) to oversee correct execution and proper registration/payment of fees ($150 Pledge Fee & $350 Initiate Fee).
- Regional – Attend any workshop(s) that your PA may conduct & encourage undergraduates to attend.
- International – It is strongly suggested that CD’s attend one (1) international event per calendar year (Mid-Year, Convocation) and should encourage undergraduate attendance at said events.
- Organization – Work with university, alumni, and chapter to benefit Sigma Pi’s image & status.
Officer Transition – Conduct officer transition workshop annually between time new officers are elected and installed. - Meeting Expectations – Meet as needed with Greek Advisors, Chapter Advisory Boards, Alumni Clubs, House Corporation, Donors, etc. Where applicable, act as a liaison between the chapter and alumni house organizations.
- Alumni Advisory Board- Put together and/or manage a local Chapter Alumni Advisory Board, which should consist of at least three other alumni volunteers.
- Finance – Ensure chapter’s finances are in order via annual financial review verification and ensure they stay current on all bills.
- Governance – Uphold and enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of Sigma Pi, as well as local chapter bylaws and institution’s code of conduct.
Chapter Director Performance Benchmarks
Successfully meeting the minimum expectations of a Chapter Director (outlined above) and be able to show improvement/success by meeting the following criteria.
Standards of Excellence
- Each chapter submits a properly completed and compiled Standards of Excellence annually
- If chapter’s Standards of Excellence score is below 50%, facilitate growth of at least 10% annually
- If chapter’s Standards of Excellence score is between 50%-85%; facilitate at least a 5% annual growth
- If chapter’s Standard of Excellence score is 90% or above; facilitate continued success & growth
- Monitor chapter’s performance through the SOE Progress Tracker and offering coaching when needed
Grade Point Average
- Chapter maintains at or above the all men’s average GPA on their campuses (this complies with our International Bylaws), and a minimum GPA of at least 2.7 to be in compliance with NIC Standards.
If the chapter does fall below that mark; facilitate education to meet or exceed the all-men’s average on campus
Membership Size
- Chapter maintains membership level at or above the average size for men’s fraternities on their campus
- Chapter maintains a minimum of 25 men per academic year as required by our International Bylaws
- If the chapter does fall below that mark; facilitate growth to meet or exceed the minimum within one calendar year
Alumni Associations
- Participate in efforts to maintain an active alumni base in the area
- Assist current, active alumni associations efforts in outreach and event-planning
- Aid an alumni group in its process to become an official alumni association
- Attend alumni gatherings, events, workshops, or annual meetings whenever possible
House Corporations
- Be available as a resource for alumni house corporation
- Facilitate communications between chapter and house corporation
- Assist in the formation of a house corporation when appropriate
- Province Archon
Time Commitment
- 2-3 hours per week, depending upon status of chapters in region and available volunteers
- Cumulative report on region submitted once per semester, biannually for Convocation. Ensure Chapter Directors submit their reports as well.
Participate in at least 80% of monthly Province Archon conference calls - Contact each chapter Sage at a minimum of once per semester (more when Chapters needs dictate)
- Communicate regularly with Chapter Director (at least once per month, more if needs arise)
- Communicate at least once per semester with all alumni groups (clubs, house corporations, etc.)
- Visit each chapter at least once per year
- Plan & hold province workshop at least once per academic year. Ensure officer transition workshops are held for each chapter in province (may be done individually by CD or chapter, or collectively with entire province)
- Attend one international event per calendar year
- Work with chapters, local universities, and alumni; to benefit Sigma Pi’s image and status on campus and in the community. Meet with Greek Advisors, Chapter Advisory Boards, Chapter Directors, Alumni Associations, House Corporations, and Donors as applicable
- Uphold and enforce the Constitution and bylaws of Sigma Pi