At Mid-Year Leadership Conference earlier this year, the Chairman of the Educational Foundation, Jay Joern (Gamma-Sigma, Missouri ’72) promised a $1,000 scholarship to an individual within the chapter that has the most Delta Society members by July 1st, 2015.
The Delta Society is an honorary membership society recognizing undergraduate members who have begun a tradition of financial support for the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. Their generosity helps provide grants for educational and leadership programs like Mid-Year Leadership Conference and Sigma Pi University, as well as helps to fund individual scholarships.
As an undergraduate member of Sigma Pi, you have the opportunity to help build the future of our Fraternity. The commitment to its undergraduates is steeped in rich tradition. For over 118 years, the Fraternity has dedicated itself to guiding principles that have significantly enriched the lives of each member. By recognizing and honoring that past, Sigma Pi is, in a sense, endowing its future.
The selfless giving back by a Delta Society member further serves as an invaluable example for his chapter brothers. “The Brother who becomes fully involved with Sigma Pi will continue to enjoy and benefit from it throughout his lifetime.” – p. 13 Sigma Pi Manual
For a one-time contribution of $20, you will receive a unique Delta Society lapel pin and recognition in Sigma Pi Educational Foundation publication materials as a Delta Society member.