Province Archon of the Quarter
Quentin Groce (Grand Valley State ’06) Michigan Province
It is our honor to recognize brother Quentin Groce, Michigan Province Archon, this quarter. Quentin has been serving as a Province Archon since 2017 and has shown tremendous leadership skills in helping his Province continue to succeed. Because of his leadership, Quentin has helped numerous chapters find new alumni advisors to help them on their quest for excellence, as well as helping lead two of his chapters to a Grand Chapter Award.
Quentin continues to work with multiple chapter advisors to improve the operations at each chapter and has been a huge help at recent Mid-Years with facilitating and sharing his knowledge with the undergraduates.
Quentin resides in Flint, MI, with his husband and is the Account Director at MLive Media Group.
Chapter Advisor of the Quarter
Drew Martin (Arkansas ’15) Alpha-Sigma Chapter
Drew Martin is not only a Chapter Advisor that puts the active membership above himself, but he is a core reason the chapter is in the state it is in and the success it has achieved. During his time as an active, the membership had decreased significantly, and he was one of the very few people who stuck around. He was dedicated towards changing the culture, ensuring the chapter would last past his time as an active, and building upon the values the chapter already possessed. Drew stepped into the position of Chapter Advisor and dedicated his time when not a single individual was willing – he began to create an Alumni Advisory Board and helped to ensure the continuity between each new executive officer and alumni advisor class. Not even 4 years after his graduation, Drew has helped lead Alpha-Sigma to a Grand Chapter Award, a top 8 recruiting class in the nation, and into deep discussions with the University to help the chapter receive our former plot of land on campus. Without Drew Martin’s help as Chapter Advisor, Alpha-Sigma would not begin to come close to the level of success we have achieved.
Written by Jake Reed, Sage of Alpha-Sigma
Sage of the Quarter
Tier 1 – Tripp Berini (Georgia ‘18)
Tripp is a senior from Davidson, North Carolina, and will graduate with a degree in Marketing from the Terry College of Business in the Spring of 2022. Outside of the fraternity, Tripp is extensively involved with fundraising efforts for UGA Miracle. Prior to becoming President, he served as the fraternity’s Secretary in 2020.
Tripp most recently qualified for Dean’s List in spring 2021 with a 3.82 GPA and currently sits at a 3.5 overall.
Tripp has guided the chapter to heights Alpha Phi has not seen in decades. Our overall brother count since he and I pledged in Fall of 2018 has risen from 61 (paying actives) to now 121 (contingent upon initiating all 30 we have right now). Tripp has been Sage and responsible for guiding the rush chairs for 43 of those within the past four years. The way he handles situations with IFC, the media, and unruly behavior is unparalleled to anything I’ve seen out of a 21-year-old young man. His demeanor towards others lightens up spirits and inspires everyone around him to want to prosper with him.
Tier II – Spencer Kuhn (Colorado State ’18)
Spencer is from Littleton, Colorado, and is double majoring in Statistics and Biology. He also works part-time as a math tutor at Mathnasium.
Spencer has led his chapter as Vice President and President through the Pandemic, overhauled the chapter’s bylaws, and led chapter efforts to work with an Alumni Housing Corporation to secure a new fraternity house. He also led the chapter during this fall’s recruitment when the largest pledge class was recruited in Eta-Sigma history. He did this still holding a 3.9 GPA and is a CSU Monfort Scholar, CSU Honors Program Advisor, and a CSU Genomics Lab Statistician Intern.
Spencer has been a strong leader with a level head since he took office. Due to unforeseen circumstances, both the 3rd and 1st counselors stepped down or were removed from their positions. For the summer and the beginning of the year, Spencer seeped up and continued doing an excellent job in his position and carried most of the responsibility for the 1st and 3rd counselors by acting as their risk chair and keeping the budget in order. As he played three roles in the EC, he continued to keep open doors to other Brothers in the Chapter and continue his excellent work as Sage.
Tier III – Maani Bahador (UC Santa Barbara ‘20)
Maani Bahador is a third-year Biochemistry major (GPA 3.94) at the University of California: Santa Barbara. Maani is from San Diego, CA, and has aspirations of attending medical school in Southern California following his undergraduate studies. Alongside being the Sage, Maani performs stem cell culture for a research laboratory at his university and volunteers at the local hospital.
Throughout his tenure, Maani successfully renegotiated the return of Sigma Pi to their chapter house after losing it the year prior and helped recruit over 50 new members, amongst the highest of all Sigma Pi chapters in the nation. The Sigma Pi culture has changed under the tenure of Maani, not only within the chapter but outside as well–reestablishing a communicative relationship with the national organization and the school. Maani credits this success to his executive council, with whom he works closely on a daily basis.
Tier IV – Angelo Crincoli (Monmouth ‘18)
Angelo is a senior majoring in Criminal Justice, and he maintains a 3.4 GPA. He’s from Whippany, NJ.
Angelo Crincoli is in his last semester as Sage of Delta-Beta Chapter. He has successfully led the Chapter to its first Lift-a-Thon, which raised nearly $2,000 for mental health organizations operating in and around the campus community. Further, he is a leading member of the Chapter’s intramural flag football team, garnering praise from the University’s Athletics Department for his on-field performance. Finally, Angelo kept the Chapter cohesive and united during the spring semester and summer months such that Delta-Beta Chapter actually grew during the last months of the lockdown and is now ready for even more growth during the fall.