In this redesigned issue of the Sigma Pi Quarterly, you may have noticed that only one volunteer and one undergraduate are represented in the Recognition section (previously two volunteers and four Sages). This change was made to better reflect the opportunity to expand those recognized, and do more focused write-ups on their accomplishments. Now, the volunteer recognition is not limited to Chapter Advisors and Province Archons, and the undergraduate recognition is not limited to Sages. If you know a volunteer or undergraduate who should be recognized in the Quarterly, fill out this simple form.
Volunteer of the Quarter
Rev. Arthur Francis Liebscher S.J. (Santa Clara ’69)
It is our honor to recognize brother Rev. Arthur Franics Liebscher S.J. Santa Clara Chapter Advisor, this quarter. Rev. Arthur is a current Jesuit Alumni Liaison and an Associate Professor of History at Santa Clara University. He has been serving as a volunteer for Sigma Pi since 1994 and has been a Chapter Advisor since 2014. He has shown tremendous leadership skills in helping Santa Clara continue to succeed, and because of his leadership, Rev. Arthur has won two awards from Sigma Pi, including the Robert L. Burns Award and Lyle H. Smith Award.
Rev. Arthur has had a huge impact on the men of Zeta-Eta and the Santa Clara community itself. We thank you for your years of service and dedication to Sigma Pi!
Undergraduate of the Quarter
Greg Auteri (St. John’s ’20)
Greg Auteri has served as the Iota-Tau Chapter’s president since the spring of 2021. Greg, along with his e-board, saw the chapter through the most severe part of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as worked to develop a robust and comprehensive return-to-campus plan that would continue to contribute to St. John’s and its student body and the lives of each of our brothers. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Greg felt the need to seek out an opportunity to become part of something greater than himself in college. He reminisced of his first encounter with members of the chapter, saying, “…seeing how welcoming and close the brothers of Sigma Pi were when I was a freshman, as well as all of the amazing work they did around campus, made me realize that I wanted to become part of it to better the community as well as myself… their presence and mission on campus was clear, and you always had the sense that the Fraternity was there to add value to the St. John’s university community, not just sit around passively or exist only as a liability. That was instrumental in helping me decide Sigma Pi was the Fraternity I wanted to become a part of.” Greg joined Sigma Pi Fraternity as a member of the Iota-Tau Chapter at St. John’s University as part of the spring 2020 class.
Since joining, Greg has held the role of president and served in additional roles, including the IFC Athletic Chair, IFC delegate, and the Chapter’s community service chair. Some key highlights from the past semester were raising over $9,000 for various causes such as the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, Alzheimer’s Disease, Breast Cancer Association, and the SJU Students Veterans Office. Not to forget, Greek Week Champs. Outside of the Chapter, Greg is currently a junior at St. John’s University, where he is pursuing a degree in actuarial science. He aspires to become a successful actuary gaining fellowship before the age of 30. Furthermore, he hopes to find a way to impact and help fellow professionals within his field as he advances in his career.
When asked about his plans for the remainder of his presidency, Greg said that he hopes to “work with the membership of Iota-Tau to reinforce the chapter as one of the best in the nation by contributing to the atmosphere of student life, executing bolder and bigger marquee philanthropic events, and continuing Iota-Tau’s tradition of excellence. Even though there are numerous ways to help people, I believe the funds raised by some of our events can provide the greatest assistance and directly impact someone’s life in a real, measurable way. I also want to increase the awareness of men’s mental health around the St. John’s campus as well as worldwide.”