In this redesigned issue of the Sigma Pi Quarterly, you may have noticed that only one volunteer and one undergraduate are represented in the Recognition section (previously two volunteers and four Sages). This change was made to better reflect the opportunity to expand those recognized, and do more focused write-ups on their accomplishments. Now, the volunteer recognition is not limited to Chapter Advisors and Province Archons, and the undergraduate recognition is not limited to Sages. If you know a volunteer or undergraduate who should be recognized in the Quarterly, fill out this simple form.
Volunteer of the Quarter
Jeff Mockaitis (Missouri S&T ‘93)
Jeff Mockaitis joined Alpha-Iota Chapter at Missouri S&T (then University of Missouri-Rolla) in fall 1992, holding the positions of Third Counselor and Sage during his time as an undergraduate. Graduating with a BS. Chemistry in 1996, he has spent the first ten years of his career working in product development and technical service in the paint and coatings industry at Sherwin Williams, Rohm & Haas, and Nicoat Inc. He earned his M.B.A from DePaul University in 2006. From 2006 to present, he has been selling chemical raw materials for the ink, coating, adhesives, and 3D photopolymer resins markets for Rahn USA Corporation as a Senior Technical Sales Manager for the Midwest US.
Jeff Mockaitis began volunteering for Alpha-Iota Chapter in 2015, first on the New House Capital Campaign as a fundraiser, and eventually leading the celebration efforts for the Ground-Breaking and Ribbon-Cutting ceremonies to mark the success of the campaign and the building of the new chapter house. In 2019 he joined the Board of Directors for the Alpha-Iota Building Association as the Alumni Director, charged with organizing brotherhood events with the alumni and undergrads and assisting with networking/career development for the undergraduates. He will take over the presidencies of both the Alpha-Iota Building Association and the newly re-chartered Prospectors Club (Alpha-Iota Alumni Club) later in 2022.
Jeff has been involved with the continued efforts of Alpha-Iota in their new housing efforts. The project began in 2016 as an idea among three alumni members of the Alpha-Iota Building Association (AIBA) board of directors and a few alumni. That idea quickly grew into a committee of 14 brothers from across six decades of members, who volunteered to undertake a fundraising program that was initially going to be $1.6 million, but, because of early success, grew to be much more. $1.93 million was pledged for the project, with over half of the money collected by the time the house was opened.
In addition to the efforts with the capital campaign, Jeff has also been working with the alumni to develop recruitment videos and raise funds to support thousands in scholarship gifts annually.
Jeff finds as much joy and fulfillment in his efforts as an alumni volunteer as he did as an undergraduate member. “I really love the development of our Chapter’s brotherhood among the undergraduates and alumni since the capital campaign. The new house gave us something to rally around, and now we have a renewed sense of brotherhood and love for Sigma Pi.”
Undergraduate of the Quarter
Henry Widdop (San Diego ‘21)
Henry Widdop is a twenty-three-year-old active member of the Epsilon-Chi Chapter at the University of San Diego. Hailing from Glendale, California, Henry is a sophomore History major and Navy ROTC student. Last semester, Henry received academic and community service awards for NROTC with a 3.5+ GPA and over 30 hours of community service.
When he is not in the classroom or training to serve this great nation, he serves as the social and recruitment chair for the chapter. Not only did Henrey bring in the first pledge class in person since Covid-19, but the largest pledge class in three years, with 19 total men.
Henry knew he wanted to be a part of a fraternity having lots of family involved in Greek life from a young age. Henry rushed in the Fall of 2021 and was immediately drawn to Sigma Pi as he shared in the values and ideals of the brotherhood and felt he could be of service to the great group of young men and his community through the organization.
Henry has obtained his commercial pilot license and instrument rating and loves to spend his free time up in the air. He also holds the record for the fastest time to solo an airplane at the flight school he attended. He hopes to one-day fly fighter jets for the Marine Corps and gives back to his country and the people that made him into the stellar man he is today. He also founded the Glendale Community College Aviation Foundation, a nonprofit that helps fundraise money for the aviation department.